《CMM實踐Infosys實施軟體項目的過程》是高等教育出版社2002年10月出版的書籍。作者是美)賈洛特(Jalote P.)。
- 中文名:CMM實踐Infosys實施軟體項目的過程
- 作/譯者:美)賈洛特(JaloteP.)
- 出版日期:2002年10月
- ISBN:9787040114027[十位
作/譯者:美)賈洛特(Jalote P.)出版社:高等教育出版社
ISBN:9787040114027 [十位:704011402X]
頁數:372 重約:0.520KG
Preface Xi
Acknowledgments XV
1 Introduction
1 .1 Process-Based Approach for Project Execution
1 .2 Capability Maturity Model for Software
1 .3 Processes at Infosys
1 .4 Summary
Part I Project Initiation
2 Proposals and Contracts
2.t Customer and Vendor Interaction
2.2 The Proposal
2.5 The Contract
2.4 Summary
3 Requirements Specification and Ma
3.1 Requirements Analysis and Specification
3.2 Requirements Change Management
3.3 Traceability Management
3.4 Example: The WAR System
The book includes 15 chapters. Chapter l gives a brief overview of the CMM and describes some organization-level support for processes at Infosys. The remaining chapters focus on project execution and are organized into three parts. Part I (Chapters 2 and 3) deals with processes that are executed before ale project formally commences. Part II (Chapters 4 through 10) deals with project planning activities. Part III (Chapters 11 through 15) examines project execution and termination. Most chapters focus on some key task in a project and have been kept as independent as possible of the other chapters.