產品規格(Products specification): 400V10000uF ±20%90*196MM 105℃(CHINA standard 2000H)105℃MAX 4000H (ENSURE 100000H)OPERATUIN AT 60℃LIFE:12年≈15*365*24H (MAX 200000H) 60℃ LITE 24年≈10*365*24H (capacitors's life is also effected by current,frequency,elevation,negative temperature)
編 制 Designed
核 準 Approved
日 期 Date
● 鋁電解電容器使用說明 Notes for use of aluminum electronic capacitors
1.If circuit polarities are uncertain, Non-polar capacitors are recommended.
2.Non-polar (or Bi-polar) capacitors can be used in polaritiy- changing circuits or DC circuits.
3.Polarized capacitors can be used in DC circuits only. Its polarity must be marked on the proper side of wire/terminal.
4.Capacitors should be stored at a place of cool and dry.
5.Capacitors cannot be used in a place of ambient temperature exceeding its marked temperature.
6.Capacitors cannot be used in a circuit where ripple current exceeds its allowed range. Please contact us if you have requirement for high temperature and ripple current capacitors
7.lf capacitors have been stored for a long time and its leakage current exceeds the specified value, please recharge for 30 to 60 minutes with rated voltage before using.
8.Capacitors cannot be used in a circuit charge or discharge, lf use in a circuit of sudden charge is required, please contact us.
9.使用於電解電容器之工作電壓, 不得超過額定電壓。
9.Application of working voltage to capacitors should not exceed its rated voltage.
10.為了保護電解電容器之內部結構,其導針或端子不容許過分之拉力或承受的拉力,請參考JIS C 5102。
10.ln order to protect the internal structure, capacitors cannot be applied with over pull-force. Please refer to JIS C 5102.
11. Soldering iron should be kept in a suitable distance from vinyl sleeve of capacitor in order to avoid sleeve crack.
12.For peak soldering , the solder temperature should not exceed 260℃±10℃ for 10 seconds.
13. In order to protect PVC sleeve, printed marks and sealing material, capacitors can not be cleaned with halogenated chemicals or similar solvent such as trichlorethylene, Xylene or Acetone, etc.
14.本司規格之電容,品質依照JIS C 5141 標準。
14.Quality of our capacitors is in accordance with JIS C 5141.
15.本公司之信賴性試驗方法,JIS C 5102 標準。
15.Reliability test methods for our capacitors are in accordance with JIS C 5102.
16.None of Ozone Depleting Chemicals (ODC) is used in any manufacturing processes of yadacon Company.
2.產品外形及安裝(Products Configuration and Installation): 圓柱形、金屬外殼、單向引出、引出方式為螺栓式,有極性、有壓力釋放裝置(採用點動防燃裝置,當電容器內壓增加或產品發生擊穿時不會有易燃品飛出)。採用卡環固定安裝,不適用於直接安裝線上路板上。 Cylindrical form, metal case, unidirectional leads, derivative fashion is screw, polarity, press release device (It is from a point. When the capacitor’s internal pressure was increased or product was breaked ,inflammable materials will not fly down)。 Adoption card wreath fix install, not well used for direct install Circuit plank top 3.適用範圍及特徵(The Scope and Characteristics): 該產品主要套用於工業變頻器、UPS電源、整流電源等電子設備的開關電源電路。具有可靠性高,能承受大紋波電流等特點。殼號可根據顧客要求適當調整。(The products are mainly used in Disply, Inverter, UPS Electrical Source and other Switching power supply circuits of electronic equipments. They have high reliability, withstand the large ripple current and other characteristics.Case can be adjusted appropriate under the request of the customer.) 4.性能要求(Performance Requirements):
特徵 Characteristics
環境溫度 Operating Temperature Rang (℃)
靜電容量變化率 Capacitance Tolerance (20℃\120Hz)
漏電流 Leakage Current (μA)
0.01CV or 5mA,whichever is smaller. 取小值 (at 20℃,after 5 minutes 5分鐘後)C:Nominal Capacitance (μF),V:Rated Voltage(V)
損失角正切值 Dissipation Factor(20℃ 、 120Hz)
小於規格表值 Less than the value specified in the standed Products tables
壽命試驗 Load Life
漏電流 Leakage current
小於規定值 Not more than the specidied value
容量變化率 Capacitance change
初始值的±20%以內 Within±20%of the initial value
損失角正切值 Dissipation Factor
不大於2倍規定值 Not more than 200% of specified value
貯存試驗 Shelf Life (+105℃)
漏電流 Leakage current
小於規定值 Not more than the specidied value
容量變化率 Capacitance change
初始值的±20%以內 Within±20%of the initial value
損失角正切值 Dissipation Factor
不大於2倍規定值 Not more than200% of specified value
After test:uR to be applied for 30 minutes,12 to 24 hours before measurement 試驗後:施加額定電壓30分鐘,放置12~24小時後測試