By the River Piedra I sat down and wept(1999年HarperCollins出版的圖書)

By the River Piedra I sat down and wept(1999年HarperCollins出版的圖書)

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《By the River Piedra I sat down and wept》是HarperCollins出版的圖書,作者是Paulo Coelho


  • ISBN:9780722535202
  • 作者:Paulo Coelho
  • 出版社:HarperCollins
  • 出版時間:1999年
  • 頁數:224
  • 定價:USD 16.50
  • 裝幀:Paperback
  • 譯者:Clarke, Alan R.
A Fable About Opening Your Heart to Miracles By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept tells of Pilar, a frustrated scholar looking for some greater meaning in the endless cycle of her days. When a childhood friend contacts her, she is surprised to learn that her former playmate is now a charismatic spiritual leader, someone revered as a miracle worker. She is even more a...(展開全部) A Fable About Opening Your Heart to Miracles By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept tells of Pilar, a frustrated scholar looking for some greater meaning in the endless cycle of her days. When a childhood friend contacts her, she is surprised to learn that her former playmate is now a charismatic spiritual leader, someone revered as a miracle worker. She is even more astonished when he reveals that Pilar has always been his great love.Confused by this sudden opportunity for a new chance at life, Pilar gradually comes to realise that the man she loves is being called upon to choose between her and his spiritual calling. As the suffering lovers travel through sacred sites in the French Pyrenees, the difficult choice they face offers a startling revelation about the divine and the redemptive power of love. Full of warmth and wisdom, joy and unexpected sorrow, their story is a magical celebration of the endless possibilities that life has to offer, and a fable about opening your heart to miracles.保羅·柯艾略(Paulo Coelho),著名作家,1947年出生於巴西里約熱內盧。 從《朝聖》開始,20餘部作品陸續被翻譯成71種語言,在160多個國家和地區出版發行,總計銷量已超過1.15億冊,榮獲國際大獎無數,以博大寬宏的心胸、清澈如水的文字,將哲學沉思、宗教奇蹟、童話寓言熔為一爐,抒寫了無數感動世界的篇章,在世間揮灑智慧、理想和愛的光芒。由於其巨大影響,2007年,被聯合國任命為和平大使。2009年,代表作《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》因“出版語種最多”創造“金氏世界紀錄”。


