Brothers in Blue

《Brothers in Blue》是由Jason L. Liebman執導的電影,由Jason L. Liebman、Jonathan Policano擔任編劇,由Harry Carter、Chief John Austin、Jerry Drennan主演。


  • 外文名:Brothers in Blue
  • 導演:Jason L. Liebman
  • 編劇:Jason L. Liebman、Jonathan Policano
  • 主演:Harry Carter、Chief John Austin、Jerry Drennan
  • 上映時間:2003年4月10日


Blue Parrot Entertainment LLC. and Focus Productions Inc. present a documentary on the greatest American hero's around; the firefighters who came to the rescue on the worst day in history and lived to tell the tale. Brothers in Blue is an in-depth look at the firefighters of Northern New Jersey who braved the worst on September 11th, 2001 and came to the rescue of hundreds of thousands of people from the burning World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan. No one has ever had to handle such a cataclysmic attack on American soil. No one has ever seen such bloodshed or horrific events plague the strongest nation on earth. However, while the buildings burned and thousands lost their lives, the Brothers in Blue were right there helping every step of the way trying to save as many people as they could and helping their co-workers in the process. The news media of New York never really touched on the fact that so many departments from New Jersey came over the Hudson to reach out. Well, this documentary sheds plenty of light on this fact and how New Jersey assisted the rescue effort by manning the firehouses of New York when the rest of their teams were up in the Trade Centers.
藍鸚鵡娛樂有限責任公司和Focus Productions Inc .推出一部關於最偉大的美國英雄的紀錄片;在歷史上最糟糕的一天前來救援的消防隊員們活下來講述了這個故事。《藍色兄弟》深入展現了新澤西州北部的消防員,他們在2001年9月11日冒著最嚴重的危險,從燃燒的曼哈頓下城世貿中心趕來營救數十萬人。從來沒有人需要處理美國本土上如此災難性的攻擊。沒有人見過這樣的流血事件或可怕的事件折磨著這個地球上最強大的國家。然而,當建築被燒毀,數千人失去生命時,藍色兄弟就在那裡,幫助每一步,試圖儘可能多地拯救更多的人,並在這個過程中幫助他們的同事。紐約的新聞媒體從未真正觸及過這樣一個事實,即來自新澤西的如此多的部門越過哈德遜河前來尋求幫助。這部紀錄片充分展示了這一事實,以及當紐約消防隊的其他隊員在貿易中心時,新澤西是如何協助救援工作的。


HimselfHarry Carter
HimselfChief John Austin
HimselfJerry Drennan
HimselfChief Ron Kanterman
HimselfChief Lou Kelly


Jason L. LiebmanDavid TehraniJason L. Liebman、Jonathan PolicanoRichard L. HallRichard L. Hall


