



  • 外文名:Brittle
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 屬性:英語單詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈbrɪtl]
  • 美式發音:[ˈbrɪtl]


Brittle coating 脆性塗層 ; 脆性塗料
brittle strength 抗脆裂強度 ; 脆性強度 ; 脆裂強度
brittle willow 脆柳 ; 易脆柳 ; 爆竹柳 ; 詳細翻譯
brittle metal 脆性金屬 ; 脆金屬
brittle deformation 脆性變形
brittle cracking 脆性開裂
brittle gels 脆凝膠
brittle nails 脆的指甲 ; 易碎裂的指甲 ; 脆甲症
milk brittle 脆心牛奶糖


  • 1You've already known that ice is brittle, and if you hit it with a hammer, it will shatter like glass.大家都知道冰是易碎的,如果你拿錘子敲擊它,它會如玻璃一樣碎裂。
  • 2Engineers like ceramics because they can be heated without melting, unlike metals and plastics, though, they are brittle.工程師們喜歡陶瓷,因為陶瓷在加熱時不會熔化,但與金屬和塑膠不同的是,陶瓷易碎。
  • 3My middle-aged friend says I should accept the inevitable fact that let the bones turn brittle, the skin shrivel and sag, the hair grey and thin.我的中年朋友說,我應當接受不可避免的事實,讓骨骼變得脆弱,皮膚枯萎鬆弛,頭髮稀疏變白。
  • 4Pine is brittle and breaks.松木硬脆易折。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5They don't deform easily; they tend to be more brittle.它們不容易變形;它們是更脆的。
  • 6They were quite brittle and shattered very easily if they were dropped.它們很脆,如果掉在地上很容易碎。
  • 7Those who survive are at greater risk of developing brittle bones, life-threatening infections, kidney damage and heart problems.那些存活下來的人面臨著更大的風險,如骨頭變脆,威脅生命的感染,腎臟損害以及心臟問題。
  • 8The inventor Henry Bessemer discovered that directing a blast of air at melted iron in a furnace would burn out the impurities that made the iron brittle.發明家亨利·貝塞默發現,在熔爐里對鐵水直接吹一吹氣,就會燒掉使鐵變脆的雜質。
  • 9It is a less brittle mechanism.因此,這是一個比較強壯的機制。
  • 10Brittle is a good word to exercise this idea.而單詞brittle正好用來檢驗這個說法。
  • 11Also a brittle person can be someone who is unfriendly.如果你說某人brittle,還可以指這個人很不友好。
  • 12Brittle nails are indicative of calcium deficiency.指甲發脆表明缺鈣。
  • 13Generated code is usually too brittle and often complex.生成的代碼通常太脆弱和複雜。
  • 14Unlike metals and plastics, though, they are brittle.不像金屬還有塑膠,因為後兩者十分脆弱。
  • 15Too little, and the system becomes stovepiped and brittle.過少的內聚性將使系統變得脆弱。
  • 16Declarative markup will replace much brittle procedural code.聲明式標記將取代很多脆弱的過程性代碼。
  • 17The more detailed our plans get, the more brittle they become.計畫越詳細,也就越脆弱。
  • 18Mostly, he sits in a wheelchair, crippled by brittle bone disease.由於脆骨病致殘,他大多數情況下坐在輪椅上。
  • 19Extended use of these products can lead to split ends and brittle hair.過分的使用這些產品會導致頭髮分岔和發脆。
  • 20All that sun, water and chlorine made your hair dry, rough, brittle, and frizzy?所有那些陽光、水和氯使你的頭髮乾燥、粗糙、脆弱以及捲曲?
  • 21Out of date tea leaves will be brittle and dry, rather than lush and aromatic.過期的茶葉會變得乾燥易碎,口感與味道都會明顯下降。
  • 22The only problem is that it's fragile and brittle, and that means it breaks easily.唯一的毛病在於它脆弱而易碎,也就是說很容易壞掉。
  • 23You still have to solve the same puzzles, and the solutions are just as brittle.您仍然需要解決相同的難題,而且解決方案會不可靠。
  • 24XML is often less brittle because, again, you can ignore data you don't know about.xml一般也比較強壯,因為你可以對你所不了解的數據視而不見。
  • 25Those tablets were not baked, only dried in the sun and [were], therefore, very brittle.那些粘土碑不是被燒制的,而只是在陽光下曬乾,所以是非常易碎的。
  • 26A good source of biotin, avocados help to prevent dry skin and brittle hair and nails.作為一種生物素的重要來源,鱷梨可以防止皮膚乾燥,頭髮與指甲的開裂。
  • 27Osteoporosis is a bone-wasting disease that makes your bones brittle and more prone to breaks.骨骼疏鬆症是一種使你的骨骼脆弱和甚至破壞的骨骼損耗疾病。


