Brand X Music,2002年始成立於美國洛杉磯,是一個專業製作影視、遊戲、電視節目等宣傳音樂的工作室。
- 公司名稱:Brand X Music
- 總部地點:美國洛杉磯
- 成立時間:2002年
- 經營範圍:專業製作影視、遊戲、電視節目等宣傳音樂
Brand X Music,2002年始成立於美國洛杉磯,是一個專業製作影視、遊戲、電視節目等宣傳音樂的工作室。和著名的X-Ray dog、Immediate Music等同屬一個系列。 工作室所操刀配樂的作品包括《失落的王國》、《黑暗騎士》、《核戰危機》、《黑客帝國2》、《異形大戰鐵血戰士》等,包含了不同年代的大量作品。
Brand X Music製作了大量恢弘、史詩而優美的管弦音樂。作品包含合唱,電子音樂、大型合奏等元素,嚴謹的音樂及不俗的感染力,讓聽眾不由自主被音樂帶入到一幕幕史詩場景中。
Brand X Music迄今止共發行了14張專輯,風格各有不同。由於作品的針對性,不能在市面上發行,因此這種音樂便顯得尤為珍稀了。
Brand X Music Vol.1
01. Brand X Music - Freedom Fighters - Version 1
02. Brand X Music - Freedom Fighters - Version 2
03. Brand X Music - A Hero's Only Choice
04. Brand X Music - Battlefield
05. Brand X Music - Gladiator
06. Brand X Music - Cosmic Storm
07. Brand X Music - Accelerate
08. Brand X Music - Cyberlocity
09. Brand X Music - Speed Demon
10. Brand X Music - With A Vengeance
11. Brand X Music - Mighty Titans
12. Brand X Music - Perfect Predator
13. Brand X Music - Honor And Glory
14. Brand X Music - Hostile Takeover
15. Brand X Music - Cyber Crime
16. Brand X Music - Lucid Trance
17. Brand X Music - Street Cop
18. Brand X Music - Cataclysm
19. Brand X Music - Criminal Empire
20. Brand X Music - Industrial Nightmare
21. Brand X Music - War Of The Worlds
22. Brand X Music - Unholy World
23. Brand X Music - Smooth Groove
24. Brand X Music - Urbania. Brand X Music
25. Brand X Music - Revelation
Brand X Music Vol.2
01. Brand X Music - Out To Sea
02. Brand X Music - Send Off - Version 1
03. Brand X Music - Send Off - Version 2
04. Brand X Music - Last Farewell
05. Brand X Music - Arabesque
06. Brand X Music - Killer Storm
07. Brand X Music - Like A Hurricane
08. Brand X Music - Like A Hurricane - Ind
09. Brand X Music - Watch Out
10. Brand X Music - Space Cave
11. Brand X Music - Visions
12. Brand X Music - Organic Trance
13. Brand X Music - War Of The Mystics
14. Brand X Music - Spanish Flurry
15. Brand X Music - Save The Day - Version 1
16. Brand X Music - Save The Day - Version 2
17. Brand X Music - Fun & Adventure
18. Brand X Music - The Magic Dream
Brand X Music Vol.3
01. Brand X Music - Future World
02. Brand X Music - Revolution
03. Brand X Music - Worlds Of Wonder
04. Brand X Music - Fanastic Realm
05. Brand X Music - Back To Camelot
06. Brand X Music - Discovery
07. Brand X Music - Chemical Imbalance
08. Brand X Music - The Heist
09. Brand X Music - Dance Of The Dead
10. Brand X Music - Dark Over Lord
11. Brand X Music - Body In The Woods
12. Brand X Music - Mystique
13. Brand X Music - Inner Mind
14. Brand X Music - Rage
15. Brand X Music - Creature Invasion
16. Brand X Music - Seize The Day
17. Brand X Music - Beyond Reach
18. Brand X Music - Coming Home
19. Brand X Music - Razor's Edge
20. Brand X Music - Freedom
21. Brand X Music - Mind Warp
22. Brand X Music - Mind Warp - Cut
23. Brand X Music - Like Clockwork
24. Brand X Music - Letter Of The Law - Version 1
25. Brand X Music - Letter Of The Law - Version 2
26. Brand X Music - Unsettled Thoughts
27. Brand X Music - Run
28. Brand X Music - Fury
29. Brand X Music - Vital Force
30. Brand X Music - Domestic Disturbance
31. Brand X Music - Maximum Impact
32. Brand X Music - On The Edge
33. Brand X Music - Heart Of Africa
34. Brand X Music - Spirit Of The Desert
Brand X Music Vol.4
01. Brand X Music - Armageddon
02. Brand X Music - Rat Nest
03. Brand X Music - Wake Up The Dead
04. Brand X Music - Insomniac
05. Brand X Music - Invader
06. Brand X Music - On The Prowl
07. Brand X Music - Sands Of Doom
08. Brand X Music - Psycho Path
09. Brand X Music - Mystic Fire
10. Brand X Music - Lock N Load
11. Brand X Music - Only Choice
12. Brand X Music - Cover Up
13. Brand X Music - Poet Laureate
14. Brand X Music - Power
15. Brand X Music - Nobel Prize
16. Brand X Music - Honorable Discharge
17. Brand X Music - Fantastic Realm
18. Brand X Music - The Odyssey
19. Brand X Music - Cosmic Jam
20. Brand X Music - Big Teeth
21. Brand X Music - Eliminator
22. Brand X Music - Space Funk
23. Brand X Music - Dragons Lair
24. Brand X Music - Homegrown
Brand X Music Vol.5
01. Brand X Music - From The Crypt
02. Brand X Music - Seeing Is Believing
03. Brand X Music - Above And Beyond
04. Brand X Music - Across The Ages
05. Brand X Music - Progeny
06. Brand X Music - See The Darkness
07. Brand X Music - War Lord
08. Brand X Music - Time Of The Titans
09. Brand X Music - The Orcs
10. Brand X Music - The Last Stand
11. Brand X Music - The Hunted
12. Brand X Music - The Great Escape
13. Brand X Music - Spartacus
14. Brand X Music - Sorcerer's Secret
15. Brand X Music - Sinbad's Revenge
16. Brand X Music - Short Fuse
17. Brand X Music - Reflections
18. Brand X Music - Poetic Destruction
19. Brand X Music - Overexposure
20. Brand X Music - Mojo Rising
21. Brand X Music - Katana
22. Brand X Music - Iron Fist
23. Brand X Music - Immortality Awaits
24. Brand X Music - Global Domination
25. Brand X Music - Genetic Dysfunction
26. Brand X Music - Genetic Disorder
27. Brand X Music - Double Crossed
28. Brand X Music - De Ja Vu
29. Brand X Music - Dawn's Doom
30. Brand X Music - Dawn Of War
31. Brand X Music - Code Of Honor
32. Brand X Music - Battle For Glory
33. Brand X Music - Avenger
34. Brand X Music - Around The World
35. Brand X Music - Armada
36. Brand X Music - Achilles
37. Brand X Music - A Warrior's Glory
38. Brand X Music - Pericles
39. Brand X Music - Destiny & Honor
40. Brand X Music - Pantheon
Brand X Music Vol.6
01. Brand X Music - Paradise Lost
02. Brand X Music - Acid Reflux
03. Brand X Music - Beat Down
04. Brand X Music - Bring It
05. Brand X Music - Fear
06. Brand X Music - The Immortals
07. Brand X Music - The Immortals (No Hits)
08. Brand X Music - Rise Of The Avenger
09. Brand X Music - Chainsaw
10. Brand X Music - Legends
11. Brand X Music - Arise
12. Brand X Music - The Price Of Freedom
13. Brand X Music - Rising Rage
14. Brand X Music - Whispers
15. Brand X Music - Internal Combustion
16. Brand X Music - Rampage
17. Brand X Music - Rampage (With Rise)
18. Brand X Music - Eternal Outcry
19. Brand X Music - Forbidden Temple
20. Brand X Music - Dark Justice
21. Brand X Music - Grind
22. Brand X Music - Unstoppable
23. Brand X Music - Beneath The Grave
24. Brand X Music - Chills
25. Brand X Music - Saving Grace
26. Brand X Music - Shadow Hunter
27. Brand X Music - Avatar
28. Brand X Music - High Strung
29. Brand X Music - Winds Of Fury
30. Brand X Music - Rising Tide
Brand X Music Vol.7
01. Brand X Music - Tieres
02. Brand X Music - Black Eye
03. Brand X Music - Daydream
04. Brand X Music - The Ninth Wonder
05. Brand X Music - Distant Thunder
06. Brand X Music - Vice Grip
07. Brand X Music - Going Under
08. Brand X Music - Slay the Dragon
09. Brand X Music - Dreamscape
10. Brand X Music - Triumph of the Fallen
11. Brand X Music - Phantasm
12. Brand X Music - Stranded
13. Brand X Music - The Quest (long version)
14. Brand X Music - Nightcrawler
15. Brand X Music - Far Away
16. Brand X Music - Ice Breaker
17. Brand X Music - Executioner
18. Brand X Music - Captivate
19. Brand X Music - Something Awaits
20. Brand X Music - Codebreaker
21. Brand X Music - Forgotten Heroes
22. Brand X Music - Burning Sands
23. Brand X Music - Fragile
24. Brand X Music - Absolute Power
25. Brand X Music - Through the Mind
26. Brand X Music - When Justice Fails
27. Brand X Music - Chew 'Em Up
Brand X Music Vol. 8
01. Brand X Music - Breaking Out
02. Brand X Music - Hideaway
03. Brand X Music - Shadow Game
04. Brand X Music - Freestyle
05. Brand X Music - Shake It Up
06. Brand X Music - Swinger Shuffle
07. Brand X Music - Tripping
08. Brand X Music - Get Away
09. Brand X Music - Sugar Mama
10. Brand X Music - Big Dawn
11. Brand X Music - Clear Day
12. Brand X Music - Nowhere Street
13. Brand X Music - Crank
14. Brand X Music - Felony
15. Brand X Music - Coasting
16. Brand X Music - Got Da Blues
17. Brand X Music - Fly Away
18. Brand X Music - Fly Away
19. Brand X Music - On The Wire
20. Brand X Music - School Daze
21. Brand X Music - Winds of Change
22. Brand X Music - On The Bubble
Brand X Music Vol. 9
01. Brand X Music - Fearless
02. Brand X Music - Last Chance
03. Brand X Music - Last Chance (Short)
04. Brand X Music - Follow Your Dreams
05. Brand X Music - Shattered Dreams
06. Brand X Music - One Sunny Day
07. Brand X Music - Die Lucky
08. Brand X Music - Eternity
09. Brand X Music - Kind Drum
10. Brand X Music - A Courtly Affair
11. Brand X Music - Eliki
12. Brand X Music - Hand of Time
13. Brand X Music - Andromeda
14. Brand X Music - Detonate
15. Brand X Music - Altered States
16. Brand X Music - Distant Worlds
17. Brand X Music - A Guy, A Girl, A Dog
18. Brand X Music - Full Thrust
19. Brand X Music - Guilty Pleasure
20. Brand X Music - Vulnerable
21. Brand X Music - Slip Knot
22. Brand X Music - Forgotten World
23. Brand X Music - If It Ain't Baroque
24. Brand X Music - Something Coming
25. Brand X Music - Auspicious
26. Brand X Music - Cut Me
27. Brand X Music - Return of the Dragon
Brand X Music Vol. 10
01.Brand X Music - Inevitable
02.Brand X Music - The Sentinel
03.Brand X Music - Get Bent
04.Brand X Music - Journey Home
05.Brand X Music - Mindbender
06.Brand X Music - Day Of Reckoning
07.Brand X Music - Interceptor
08.Brand X Music - Lost Kingdom
09.Brand X Music - Highlander
10.Brand X Music - Epiphany
11.Brand X Music - Double Down
12.Brand X Music - Reality Remade
Brand X Music Vol. 11
01. Brand X Music - Extinction
02. Brand X Music - Curious Developements
03. Brand X Music - Imagine
04. Brand X Music - Brutal
05. Brand X Music - Save Or Destory
06. Brand X Music - Kidney Thief
07. Brand X Music - Nemesis
08. Brand X Music - Nemesis (No Choir)
09. Brand X Music - Decode and Decipher
10. Brand X Music - Road To Mayhem
11. Brand X Music - System Failure
12. Brand X Music - Eternal Hope
13. Brand X Music - Connection
Brand X Music Vol. 12
01. Brand X Music - Abacus
Brand X Music Vol.12

02. Brand X Music - Buried Alive
03. Brand X Music - Dogs of War
04. Brand X Music - Eclipse
05. Brand X Music - Equinox
06. Brand X Music - Eternal Flame
07. Brand X Music - Eventide
08. Brand X Music - Free to Soar
09. Brand X Music - Heretic
10. Brand X Music - Illusions
11. Brand X Music - Innocence of Youth
12. Brand X Music - Last Days
13. Brand X Music - Minds Eye
14. Brand X Music - Painkiller
15. Brand X Music - Synchronicity
16. Brand X Music - Termination
Brand X Music Vol. 13
01. Brand X Music - Apocalyptic
02. Brand X Music - Out Of Time
03. Brand X Music - Expelled
04. Brand X Music - Cyclops
05. Brand X Music - All Or Nothing
06. Brand X Music - Sightlines
07. Brand X Music - Jumper
08. Brand X Music - Kill Streak
09. Brand X Music - Left Coast
10. Brand X Music - Body Count
11. Brand X Music - Knuckle Up
12. Brand X Music - Dream On
13. Brand X Music - Redline
14. Brand X Music - Night Flight
15. Brand X Music - Skate Punk
Brand X Music Vol. 14
(The Best of Brand X Music)
The Best of Brand X Music

01. Brand X Music - Spawn
02. Brand X Music - Eventide
03. Brand X Music - Knuckle Up
04. Brand X Music - Curious Developments
05. Brand X Music - All Or Nothing
06. Brand X Music - Dogs of War
07. Brand X Music - Bring the Pain
08. Brand X Music - Dawn of Discovery
09. Brand X Music - Dragon's Breath
10. Brand X Music - Daydream
11. Brand X Music - Fearless
12. Brand X Music - Inevitable
13. Brand X Music - Eternal Flame
14. Brand X Music - Rise of the Avenger
15. Brand X Music - Saints and Sinners
16. Brand X Music - Spawn of the Dragon
17. Brand X Music - Dreams Come True
18. Brand X Music - Heretic
19. Brand X Music - Never Surrender
20. Brand X Music - Paradise Lost
21. Brand X Music - Sorcerer's Secret
22. Brand X Music - Painkiller
23. Brand X Music - Solstice