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  • 外文名:Bloodline
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈblʌdlaɪn]
  • 美式音標:[ˈblʌdlaɪn]


英 [ˈblʌdlaɪn] 美 [ˈblʌdlaɪn]
n. 血統;種系
[ 複數 bloodlines ]


Vampire Bloodline 吸血鬼 ; 吸血鬼血統
The Bloodline 血脈 ; 血線
The Bloodline Chronicles 血脈傳奇 ; 血族編年史 ; 血脈編年史
Bloodline Series 血緣系列同志120號
Know Bloodline 知曉血脈
Bloodline Keeper 血脈維繫者
Bloodline Season 至親血統 ; 至親血統第三季
Lamae's Bloodline 拉美血線
Hellraiser Bloodline 養鬼吃人


  • These all revealed that the DNA profile found inside the gourd is extremely rare in modern Eurasians, suggesting that it may derive from a royal bloodline. 所有這些都表明,在葫蘆里發現的DNA 圖譜在現代歐亞混血兒中極為罕見,這表明它可能來自一個王室血統。
  • Is it bloodline? 是血統嗎?
  • Yellow John ROM, to start the famous bloodline. 黃約翰光碟,開始著名的血統。
  • Preserve the purest equine bloodline in the world. 保留著世界上血統最純淨的馬。
  • "Do you really want that bloodline?" the clockmaker asked suddenly. “你真的想要那個血脈?”鐘錶匠突然問道。
  • Soon, Danny is forced to choose between his friends and his bloodline. 很快,丹尼是強迫他的朋友和他的血統之間選擇。
  • To continue the family bloodline is one of life's most important things. 傳宗接代是生命中最重要的事情之一。
  • To continue the family bloodline is one of life's most important things. 不要讓你生活中發生的壞事情成為你生命中最重要的東西。
  • You know, your father is your bloodline; it's not your mother----it is your father. 你知道,你的父親是你的血脈,而不是你的母親---是你的父親。
  • Although for that reason I was born in Inner Mongolia , my bloodline belongs to Dongbei. 儘管我出生在內蒙古,但是我的血統屬於東北。
  • Others were not so sure that particular DNA strand survived in their familial bloodline. 另一些人並不確定這一特定的基因鏈在種系的流傳是否瘩楊了下來。
  • Family balance: Family is the social unit that is based on marriage and bloodline relations. 家庭平衡:家庭是以婚姻和血統關係為基礎的社會單位。
  • I mean, they're family, for Christ's sake - you're part of the bloodline: what more do they want? 我的意思是,他們是家人,按照基督的說法—你是血脈中的一部分:他們不想得到什麼。
  • As far as he was concerned, moisture farming was the only life the Lars bloodline had ever known. 對他來說,濕氣農場就是拉爾斯家族繁衍生息的唯一命脈。
  • It is the search. I have traveled all over this world, perhaps even more than any other of my bloodline. 它是搜尋。我有旅行在全這一個世界,也許甚至較多的超過任何的其他我的血統。
  • When all goes to all, your bloodline is only ordinary and can not belong to the elite. The gold glitters. 說到底,你的血統也只是平常,還不屬於精英行列。是金子總會有發光的時候。
  • During the reunion, she discovers that her family is, indeed, of the bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. 在重逢時,她發現她的家庭的確是耶蘇和抹大拉的瑪麗亞的血族。
  • Many of my dogs are not registered because of that, but we have documented its bloodline in a very specific way. 我的狗很多是因為沒有登記,但我們也記錄了一個非常具體的方式其血統。
  • They care their bloodline and social status very much. Therefore, they spend their lifetime in changing the situation. 他們很在乎自己的血統和社會地位,為此,終生奮鬥來改變生活狀況。
  • In particular, the commander of the Alliance forces was Lord Anduin Lothar, who was the last descendent of the Arathi bloodline. 更何況,聯盟軍的指揮官正是阿拉希最後的血脈——安度因·洛薩。
  • "You don't understand us, even if you speak our language far better than most realize," Ziro said at last. "He's Jabba's bloodline." “你並不了解我們,雖然你說我們的語言說的很流利,”齊羅最後說,“他是賈巴的血脈。”
  • South Korea can only grow if it learns how to live with more foreign people in the country, with people not all of the same bloodline. 他說韓國只有學會如何與更多的外國人以及混血人群生活在一起,才能有更大的進步。
  • Zhang Xiaogang emerged as a leading figure of this new avantgarde through his singular vision and iconic Bloodline: Big Family Series. 透過不尋常的觀點與肖像畫《血緣:大家庭系列》,張曉剛成為這群前衛藝術家的領袖人物之一。
  • The first emperor of a dynasty is always just whoever has the power to unite the country by force, not someone with a mystical bloodline. 開國之君都是能混一六合的強人,沒幾個有高貴冷艷的血統。
  • If trading was the bloodline of Morgan Stanley, options were the heartbeat and the fervor of each day's flow seemed to center on our desk. 如果說摩根·斯坦利血液里流淌著的是證券交易,那么期權交易就是這個巨人的心跳。我們交易組似乎是每天各種各樣熱力的中心。
  • Selflessness doesn't seem to be one of those qualities that ensure survival of a bloodline, since, by definition, it means acting against oneself. 從定義上來說,利他主義意味著同自己作對,所以無私看起來並不是可以保證血脈傳承的那些品質之一。
  • Is a parasitic system that was inherited from ancient times. A nation worthy of the 21st Century has no need for a monarchy or people with a bloodline. 君主制是從古代沿襲而來的寄生系統,一個21世紀的國家不應需要君王和出身高貴的人。

