Bingo Chinese蘋果漢語

Bingo Chinese蘋果漢語

《Bingo Chinese蘋果漢語》是2013年世界圖書出版公司出版的圖書,作者是李妍。


  • 中文名:Bingo Chinese蘋果漢語
  • 作者:李妍
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • 出版時間:2013年10月1日
  • 頁數:181 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787510069055
  • 外文名:Bingo Chinese
  • 語種:簡體中文


《Bingo Chinese蘋果漢語》精選典型生活場景中最常用的漢語短句,並提供了在中國旅行、生活、工作最需要的實用信息。精選的高頻漢語短句每詞均有相應英語注釋,MP3光碟配有漢語短句和其英文翻譯的錄音,不僅適用於課堂教學,學習者自學也同樣很簡單!全書配有大量手繪插圖,生動幽默,有助於學習者理解和記憶漢語短句。


How to read Chinese phonetic marks: Pinyin
Chapter 1 Saying"hi"and other polite phrases Information: Ni chile ma? & Ni qu nar?
Chapter 2 Numbers
Information: Reading Chinese numbers
Chapter 3 Daily activities and everyday feelings
Information: Night life in China
Chapter 4 Making short comments
Information: Ice cream and umbrella
Chapter 5 Saying no under different circumstances
Information: Popular drinks in China
Chapter 6 Making short suggestions
Information: What do Chinese people do after work?
Chapter 7 Everyday questions
Information: How to address people?
Chapter 8 Pet phrases
Information: What interests you most about China?
Chapter 9 Tiny sentences that make a pleasant conversation
Information: It is customary to do so
Chapter 10 Beautiful greeting words
Information: Chinese people's daily meals
Chapter 11 Shopping
Information: Bargaining and Shopping
Chapter 12 At the restaurant
Information: Most popular Chinese dishes
Chapter 13 Directions and locations
Information: Top 10 things to see in China
Chapter 14 At the bank
Information: Some useful websites
Chapter 15 At work
Information: The land of opportunity
Chapter 16 Calling a taxi
Information: How do you get to your destination?
Chapter 17 In the subway
Information: Gifts from China for the ones you love


Ms.Li Yan (李妍), graduated from Beijing Language and Culture University with a Master's degree in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL). She is a professional Chinese teacher, a prolific and innovative author of Chinese language textbooks, and a mandarin broadcaster.In Bingo Chinese, Ms. Li Yan is not only the author but also the English and Chinese speaker in the audio.

