在很小的時候,Belinda就展現了對演唱、表演的濃厚興趣和天賦。10歲時就主演了一部名為《Amigos por siempre》的電視連續劇,同時,BMG為她發行了這張同名專輯。隨著電視劇的熱播,專輯也銷往拉丁美洲及其他地區。11歲那年,Belinda又主演了她的第二部電視劇《Aventuras en el Tiempo》。同樣的,Belinda也為電視劇獻唱了,並灌錄專輯銷往世界各地。
一年一部戲,12歲的Belinda又主演了第三部電視劇《Cómlices al Rescate》。BMG也為其發行了同名專輯。劇中Belinda一人分飾兩角:一對雙胞胎——一個窮一個富。精湛的演技使Belinda成為當時炙手可熱的一線演員,而隨之而出的專輯也取得了相當好的銷量。之後電視劇也被廣為傳播,美國、拉丁美洲、西班牙的觀眾都能看到Belinda的演出,轉播頻道超過160個,觀眾人數超過180萬人。
在即將要慶祝自己14歲生日前,Belinda發行了自己的第一張正式專輯《Belinda》,專輯一經面世便取得了80萬張的好銷量。之後因出演電視劇所積聚的人氣在她的巡迴演出上得以爆發了,每場演出都幾乎爆滿。其中名為《Fiesta en la Azotea》(屋頂的盛會)的現場更是輕鬆突破10萬人!
同年10月發行了她的第一張錄音室創作專輯《Utopía》(烏托邦)。專輯包含了13首全新創作曲,曲風多為年輕人喜歡的搖滾、金屬等。從她個人網站上看到的訊息Marzo 14, 2007 :《Utopía》 es disco de platino en México 意思是:07年3月14日《Utopía》在墨西哥已是白金銷量了 !
Belinda Peregrín Schull was born in Madrid on August 15, 1989. At the age of 4 she moved to Mexico City where she has lived with her family ever since.
At a very early age she showed an incredible talent for singing, acting and making home videos that she wrote and shot. When she was 10 she starred in her first TV Series named "Friends for ever", produced by Televisa in Mexico, together with a CD of the soundtrack. Both the TV Series and the CD became a huge success in Latin America and other parts of the world. At the age of 11 she starred in her second TV Series named "Adventures in Time", also produced by Televisa and together with a CD of the soundtrack, achieved both great success in many countries of the world besides Latin America.
At the age of 12 she starred in her third Television Series playing the character of twins, named "Accomplices at Rescue", produced by Televisa, together with a CD of the soundtrack. Belinda's performance of one rich and one poor twin sisters became an astonishing success in many countries such as the United States, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Guatemala, Ecuador, Bolivia, Philippines, Indonesia and Spain. Millions of CDs are sold and Belinda's touring of each TV Series became a huge success with more than 160 live shows and an audience of more than 1,800.000 people.
Just before turning 14 she launched her CD named "Belinda" and the CD becomes a great success in all Latin America and Spain exceeding the figure of 800,000 copies. The tour named " Party on the flat Roof" becomes also a huge success with more than 1,500,000 people attending the more than 120 live shows. She is awarded., among many awards, the female Record of the National Auditorium in Mexico City where she performed 12 Shows of the tour with 120,000 people attending. A DVD is produced in this Auditorium named "Party on the flat Roof" very quickly exceeded sales of over 100,000 units. She gathered more than 120,000 people at the Zocalo of Mexico City in a memorable live concert and created a new audience record with Coca-Cola Touring, ending the tour of her last CD "Belinda".
Belinda has been awarded different and important awards such as MTV, acting Awards, Platinum and Gold CDs in different countries and has been sponsored by big companies such as LG, Office Depot and Coca-Cola.
Belinda loves her family, has a brother of 9 years old called Nacho and besides being Mexican she is also Spanish and French.
huge success with more than 1,500,000 people attending the more than 120 live shows. She is awarded., among many awards, the female Record of the National Auditorium in Mexico City where she performed 12 Shows of the tour with 120,000 people attending. A DVD is produced in this Auditorium named "Party on the flat Roof" very quickly exceeded sales of over 100,000 units. She gathered more than 120,000 people at the Zocalo of Mexico City in a memorable live concert and created a new audience record with Coca-Cola Touring, ending the tour of her last CD "Belinda".
Belinda has been awarded different and important awards such as MTV, acting Awards, Platinum and Gold CDs in different countries and has been sponsored by big companies such as LG, Office Depot and Coca-Cola.
Belinda loves her family, has a brother of 9 years old called Nacho and besides being Mexican she is also Spanish and French