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《Beginners》是Vintage出版的圖書,作者是Raymond Carver


  • 作者:Raymond Carver
  • 出版社:Vintage
  • 出版時間:2010年10月7日
  • 頁數:224 頁
  • 定價:72 元
  • 裝幀:Paperback
  • ISBN:9780099540328
"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love" is Raymond Carver's most famous collection of short stories and remains one of the most influential pieces of modern literature to date. But the original, unedited manuscript, "Beginners" - published here for the first time, was almost fifty per cent longer than the published collection. This restored version of Carver's stories reve...(展開全部) "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love" is Raymond Carver's most famous collection of short stories and remains one of the most influential pieces of modern literature to date. But the original, unedited manuscript, "Beginners" - published here for the first time, was almost fifty per cent longer than the published collection. This restored version of Carver's stories reveal what was previously unsaid, filling in the narrative silences that have both inspired and mystified readers for so long. "Beginners" is a fascinating insight into the aesthetic of a literary great and, in the questions it raises, may just spark off one of the great cultural debates of our times. 雷蒙德•卡佛(1938—1988) 海明威之後美國最偉大的短篇小說家,被尊為簡約派文學典範。人生的前一半充滿了苦難與失望。失業,酗酒,破產,妻離子散,友人背棄,墜入人生之谷底。晚年文學聲名漸高,卻罹患肺癌,五十歲便英年早逝。卡佛致力於描繪美國的藍領生活,是寫失敗者的失敗者,寫酒鬼的酒鬼,生活的變質和走投無路後的無望,是他小說中的常態。卡佛的作品風格和他自身經歷密切相關,包括極其精簡的遣詞和冷硬的語言風格。


