Back To Life(Olivia Ong演唱歌曲)

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由歌手Olivia Ong(王儷婷)演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Romance》中。


  • 中文名:重生
  • 外文名:Back To Life
  • 歌手Olivia Ong(王儷婷)
  • 收錄專輯:《Romance


歌曲名稱:Back To Life(重生)
歌手:Olivia Ong(王儷婷)


《Back To Life》是一首爆發力非常強的搖滾抒情曲,在Olivia以往的錄音作品中從不曾演唱過這樣的曲風,近幾年的現場演唱也幾乎沒唱過爆發力如此強的歌曲,因此配唱前Olivia內心突然萌生恐懼,擔心自己唱不好、唱破音...等等。最後是在製作人和身邊朋友的鼓勵之下,完全放膽放開心胸去唱,終於克服恐懼完成挑戰,也讓大家更讚嘆Olivia的演唱實力更上層樓了,歌姬的封號名不虛傳。


作詞:Lolene Everett/Brandon Howard /Oliver Goldstein/Justin Franks
I was headed for the danger zone 我只身前往
Feeling all on my own 一個危險地帶
Now that you`re gone 如今你已不在
Didn`t ever think I`d smile again 當淚水、苦痛與愛都逝去
After the tears and the pain the love went away 我的微笑也不再
And now I`m ready 我現在準備好了
I learned how to say goodbye 我學會如何說再見
Let go of the past 讓過去變成雲煙
Freedom at last from feeling so low 擺脫低潮,擁抱自由
And I made a promise to myself 我答應自己
That I`m never gonna hurt again 不再讓別人傷害我
Been broken hearted too long 傷心太久
Sick and tired of crying alone 不想再獨自哭泣
From this moment I`m back to life 此刻我已重生
Remember who I was before you 我想起那個沒有你的我
Now I`m alive and feeling brand new 全新的我,全新的感受
From this moment I`m back to life 此刻我已重生
Now the after burn of you and me 我們當時的爭吵與衝突
Felt like a first degree emergency 現在看來像是最後的急救
Resurrected the agony 讓我們從痛不欲生的邊緣得到解脫
Now I`m finally ok now I`m making my way 現在我沒事了 我要大步向前
Now I`m ready 我準備好了
Coz` I learned how to say goodbye 我學會如何說再見
Let go of the past 讓過去變成雲煙
Freedom at last from feeling so low 擺脫低潮,擁抱自由
And I made a promise to myself 我答應自己
That I`m never gonna hurt again 不再讓別人傷害我
Been broken hearted too long 傷心太久
Sick and tired of crying alone 不想再獨自哭泣
From this moment I`m back to life 此刻我已重生
Remember who I was before you 我想起那個沒有你的我
Now I`m alive and feeling brand new 全新的我,全新的感受
From this moment I`m back to life 此刻我已重生
Been broken hearted too long 傷心太久
Sick and tired of crying alone 不想再獨自哭泣
From this moment I`m back to life 此刻我已重生
Remember who I was before you 我想起那個沒有你的我
Now I`m alive and feeling brand new 全新的我,全新的感受
From this moment I`m back to life 此刻我已重生
Been broken hearted too long 傷心太久
Sick and tired of crying alone 不想再獨自哭泣
From this moment I`m back to life 此刻我已重生
Remember who I was before you 我想起那個沒有你的我
Now I`m alive and feeling brand new 全新的我,全新的感受
From this moment I`m back to life 此刻我已重生


