



  • 外文名:Aural
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 類型:英語單詞
  • 單詞發音:英[ˈɔːrəl]美[ˈɔːrəl]


英 [ˈɔːrəl] 美 [ˈɔːrəl]
adj. 聽覺的,耳的
【名】 (Aural)(西)奧拉爾(人名)


Aural myiasis 耳蠅蛆病
Aural Exciter 聽覺激勵器 ; 音響激勵器 ; 激勵器
aural reception 收聽 ; 伴音接收 ; 詳細翻譯
aural forceps 耳鑷
aural radio range 無線電導航有聲信標 ; 音響無線電導航 ; [電子] 聽覺無線電測距台
aural curet 耳刮匙 ; 耳異物銳匙
aural vertigo 耳源性眩暈 ; 內耳眩暈病 ; 耳性眩暈病 ; 耳原性眩暈
aural null [生理] 聽覺零點 ; 無聲
aural knife 耳刀


  • 1He became famous as an inventor of astonishing visual and aural effects.他因創造了令人震撼的視聽效果而出名。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Seven hierarchical exercises were designed to improve aural phonetic reception in these children.七個層次練習是為了改善這些孩子的聽覺語音接收能力。
  • 3Today we shall have aural comprehension.今天我們有聽力訓練。
  • 4You can use these tapes as aural material.你可以把這些磁帶當作聽力材料。
  • 5He used tapes as aural material to teach English.他用磁帶作為聽覺教材來教英語。
  • 6We have used both written and aural material.我們使用了書面和聽的材料。
  • 7What aural environment would you choose for traffic?你會為交通選擇什麼樣的背景音樂呢?
  • 8Aural tests are objective and can be graded mechanically.聽力測驗是客觀的,可以機械地評分。
  • 9Stories are voiced by trained dramatic actors for your aural appeal.為你所需,這些故事由訓練有素的劇場演員有聲化。
  • 10Finally the author introduces some workable ways in aural - oral classes.文中還結合實際提出了一些可行的具體教學方法。
  • 11You have to make a real effort to put the visual and aural experience into words.你必須十分努力,把視覺和聽覺的體驗用文字記下來。
  • 12Conclusions: Unfolding approach of earflap is ideal for modern aural surgery.結論:耳廓掀翻是現代耳外科理想的手術進路。
  • 13The aural assault on Britain’s potentially troublesome youth is not the first.用噪音來對付那些潛在的問題少年並不是第一次了。
  • 14Aural comprehension is one of the important sectors in language communication.聽是語言交際中的重要環節之一。
  • 15This paper focuses on hearing aid fitting, verification and aural rehabilitation.本文側重以助聽器選配、驗證以及聽力康復為主。
  • 16The most extensive use of aural policing so far, though, has been in underground stations.不過,迄今為止聽覺維持治安得到的最系統套用,是在捷運站。
  • 17You don't have to read the notes cause you've got the sound in your ears, part of your aural memory.你不用去看音符,因為你頭腦里已經有了聲音,這是你聽覺記憶的一部分。
  • 18To construct a proper aural comprehension model can help learners to improve their study efficiency.構建合適的聽力教學模式能提高英語學習效率。
  • 19Think about back in your childhood, your nursery rhymes, the capacity of aural material to be retained.就像你們兒時聽到的童謠,我們同樣能記住相當多的兒歌。
  • 20Music is an aural language which USES three basic components: pitch, rhythm, and timbre or the quality of a sound.音樂是一種聽覺語言,它運用到了音調、節奏、音色等三個基本要素。
  • 21It was secular and non-judgmental: a kind of aural hug, perhaps all the more consolatory for coming from a stranger.這是一種長期的關愛,無需別人做出判斷其正確與否:一種聆聽給人的力量,也許一位陌生人的聆聽更能帶給人心靈上的慰籍。
  • 22And if the words aural and oral are often confused, they should be, for our ears and our mouths jointly gave us our voice.如果說出或聽到的單詞通常被搞亂,那么對我們的耳朵和嘴來說,應當是這些單詞共同賦予了我們聲音。
  • 23Girls have a more finely tuned aural structure; they can hear higher frequencies than boys and are more sensitive to sounds.女孩子的聲音感受系統更加靈敏,她們能聽到更高頻率的聲音,也對聲音更加敏感。
  • 24Girls have a more finely tuned aural structure; they can hear higher frequencies than boys and are more sensitive to sounds.女孩擁有更加細緻和諧的聽力結構。她們能比男孩聽到更高波段的聲音,而且對聲音更加的敏感。
  • 25Had it not happened in this order, what we would have had today as language, would have been aural sounds & symbols as denotations.如果事情沒有按照這種順序來發生,我們今天所說的“語言”恐怕就是用來表意的各種聲音和符號了。


