Asian Archaeology Volume1

Asian Archaeology Volume1

《Asian Archaeology Volume1》是2016年科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是吉林大學邊疆考古研究中心


  • 中文名:Asian Archaeology Volume1
  • 作者:吉林大學邊疆考古研究中心
  • ISBN:9787030347671
  • 頁數:147
  • 定價:¥120.00
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


《Asian Archaeology Volume1》收錄了20篇論文,內容包括:(1)有關中國考古的新資料的報導與研究以及其他研究論文;(2)亞洲地區,以日本、韓國、朝鮮、俄羅斯遠東和西伯利亞、蒙古等東北亞地區考古學新資料的報導與研究為主,兼及東南亞、中亞考古、南亞考古、大洋洲考古等地區的論文;(3)科技考古各分支學科(如考古年代學、動物考古學、植物考古學體質人類學環境考古學、分子考古學、骨化學、金相分析等)的新理論、新方法、新成果。


Late Pleistocene Human Occupation in Tianjin Area, North China
Report on the 2012 Field Season of the Project Origins of Agriculture and Sedentary Communities in Northeast China
The Pleistocene to Holocene Adaptive Changes of Hunter-Gatherers in Northeast China
A Case for the Petrographic Analysis of Ceramic Thin Sections: Attempts to Source Pottery from the Hongshan Culture Site of Weijiawopu,Inner Mongolia
Material Culture and Social Identities in Western Zhou's FroMer: Case Studies of the Yu and Peng Lineages
A Contextual Explanation for "Foreign" or "Steppic" Factors Exhibited in Burials at the Majiayuan Cemetery and the Opening of the Tianshan Mountain Corridor
"Bird's Eye View" on the Reconstructions of the Cart and Ceremonial Tent from the 5th Pazyryk Kurgan
Beasts of the North: Global and Local Dynamics as Seen in Horse Ornaments of the Steppe Elite
Progress in Research on Wood Remains from Chinese Archaeological Sites
Practice in Learning: How to Improve Our Research in Environmental Archaeology Based on the Study in Northeast China
A Brief Introduction for Discoveries and Research of China's Archaeology in 2012
Call for Papers


