《Artificial Knowing》是1998年Routledge出版社出版的圖書,作者是Adam、Alison。該書主要介紹了人工智慧(AI)的發展,旨在通過展示性別是如何建立在人工智慧計算機系統中來填補科學和技術研究的空白。
- 書名:Artificial Knowing
- 作者:Adam, Alison
- 出版社:Routledge
- 出版時間:1998-1
副標題: Gender and the Thinking Machine
頁數: 220
Challenging the masculine slant in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) view of the world, this text aims to fill the gap in science and technology studies by showing how gender is inscribed in AI-based computer systems.
Drawing from a wide range of social science, philosophical and feminist theory, and using tools of feminist epistemology, the author provides a sustained critique of AI which re-enforces and extends many of the traditional criticisms of the AI project. (原文)