Art Of Movement (簡稱:AOM) Crew 是一個西雅圖b-boy團隊,成立於2002年。
- 外文名:Art of Movement Crew
- 簡稱:AOM
- 成立時間:2002年
- 成立地點:西雅圖
AOM 簡介,成員構成,成員簡歷,`朴宰范`,`Chacha`,獲獎記錄,
AOM 簡介

Art Of Movement (AOM for short) Crew is a Seattle based b-boy crew established in 2002.
Art Of Movement (簡稱:AOM) Crew 是一個西雅圖b-boy團隊,成立於2002年。
AOM開始被亞洲冬粉所關注是由於成員朴宰范(Jay Park or Jae Beom)曾經是2009年韓國當紅偶像團體2PM(所屬公司JYPEntertainment)的隊長。由於Myspace事件受到輿論壓力於2009年9月重返家鄉西雅圖,並在2010年2月末由JYP Entertainment宣布正式與其解約,宰范現正以AOM成員活躍著。
Art of Movement (AOM) is a multi-talented Seattle-based b-boy crew founded in 2002 by brothers Junior and Tony Orduna. The crew has been brought to fame due to member Jay Park's worldwide popularity as a singer and rapper.Members of the crew are accomplished and talented in and out of the b-boy circle; Cha Cha is a successful producer and composer, and works closely with Jay Park, and Dial Tone won R-16 Korea in 2012 with Massive Monkees, another Seattle-based b-boy crew. The crew has appeared on numerous nationally-broadcasted TV shows in South Korea, performed worldwide in front of thousands of fans, and appeared in many music videos, exposing the b-boy culture to a wide variety of people
Art of Movement (AOM) started as an idea between brothers Junior Orduna & Tony Orduna in 2000. Along with a few friends, they danced for fun in middle school, and by 2002, AOM became an official crew consisting of just a handful of members and their future looked promising. After the Orduna brothers relocated to north Seattle, they were introduced to other talented dancers. In 2003, AOM gained a strong foundation with the addition of Jay Park, Chase Malone (Cha Cha), Leng Phe (Phé La Roc), Gil, Neil, and Bao, with Daniel Jerome (StepRoc) inducted in 2007. Over the years, members have pursued other endeavours, such as Jay Park who left to South Korea in 2005, but have migrated back together, earning a reputation as one of the more respected crews to represent Seattle and the West Coast. The crew has travelled worldwide, performing at concerts and participating in battles, such as R-16 Korea and South Korean TV show Music on Top
Dial Tone (Jose Antonio Orduna)
Kidd Fresh (Junior Orduna)Jae Beom (Jae Beom Park)HepDaTightest (Hiep Do)ChaCha (Chase Malone)Chico (Christopher Chico)StepRoc (Daniel Jerome)Gil (Gil Umali III)Phé La Roc (Leng Phe)Neil (Neil Chand)Bowzer (Bao Nguyen)

英文名:Jay BUM PARK(Jaebeom in AOM)
暱稱:粉紅老頭、西雅圖、朴呆子、文盲、哩兜、朴少女、傻子、小不點、SON fool、白獅子、朴脫脫、朴撕撕、朴鼠范、leader者
最想成為:Michael Jackson,因為他是最優秀的藝人
所屬組合:AOM(成員:Jay、Dial Tone、Kidd Fresh 、HepDaTightest、ChaCha、Chico、StepRoc、Gil 、Phé La Roc、Neil、Bowzere)
《偶像軍團紅了!她》第三季 EP01(081204)- EP17(090326)
《Wild Bunny》EP01-EP08
《介紹明星的朋友》(090509 090620 090627 090711 090718 )
《我有叔叔了》(090815 090822)
《明星金鐘》(090110 090606 090704)
《MBC寶藏《(090830 090906)
《無限挑戰》(090808 090815)
《world star chat》(090531)
專 輯·一
唱片名稱: Hottest Time Of The Day(1st Single Album)
歌手: 2PM
唱片類型:Dance Pop(韓國)
唱片名稱:2:00PM Time For Change(2nd Single Album)
唱片類型: Dance Pop(韓國)
目前在西雅圖 AOM B-Boy團隊

真實姓名:Chase Malone
別名:Chacha ; Chachie ; Cha'
城市:Federal Weezy/西雅圖/洛杉磯
Chacha 從1990年10月在西雅圖,華盛頓州,開始了他的bboy生涯。那年,他12歲有著一顆熱情和毅力的心。他的目標是認識世界各地的新朋友並學習不同背景的人們的世界觀和文化,從而通過舞蹈來傾瀉他對生活的看法。Bboy是他用來展現自己和建立個性的方式之一。Chacha的舞蹈風格包括很全面的地板動作。從具有爆發性的力量動作到打點和腳上和頭部動作。他從Massive Monkees團隊起步,指引他走上了全面的bboy的道路。目前為止,Chacha曾參加北美200多場比賽並謙虛的繳納會費。Chacha(Chase Malone)與其他幾名bboy(包括Dial Tone, KiddFresh, Chico, Jaebeom, Steproc, Hepatitis,Neil, Gil, Leng, Yoshi)代表西北的Art of Movement團隊以及與bboy(Leanski, El nino,Lean Rock, Born, Keebz, Prolific, Ken Fury, 等.)組成世界範圍內有名的Flava Squad團隊。
Judge: Juice 2008 Anchorage, Alaska 2008
Judge: SupportHER Lottery Jam Marysville, WA 2008
Judge: The Melting Pot, Seatac, WA 2009
Judge: Binary Beatdown 2 on 2 Beaverton, OR Nov 2009
1st PLACE Outshine Halloween Jam 1 on 1 Seattle, WA Oct. 2009
Exhibition: Chacha Vs. Sa-Ewl (Squishy Docious) Los Angeles, Sep. 2009
3rd PLACE The Takeover 00 2 on 2 Seattle, WA Sep. 2009
1st PLACE Dance Broomz's Dodge Ball 4 on 4 0 Tacoma, WA Aug. 2009
3rd PLACE United Styles ,000 5 on 5 Boston, MA Aug. 2009
1st PLACE Kill Beats Vol. 4 00 Vancouver, CAN Aug. 2009
1st PLACE "360" MARYSVILLE Crew vs Crew June 2009
3rd PLACE Ashes 2 Ashes Final Round 1 on 1, Eugene, OR May 2009
2nd PLACE MASSIVE MONKEE DAY 2009 7 on 7 May 2009
1st PLACE Starbar DanceOFF 1 on 1 Feb 2009
1st PLACE THE BURN 5 on 5 00 SEATTLE Oct. 2008
Exhibition: CHACHA vs. GLU (Illaskan Assassins) ANCHORAGE, ALASKA Oct. 2008
1st PLACE Harbour Dance Series Vol. 6 CANADA 1 on 1 Oct. 2008
1st PLACE CLAWS OUT: Seattle Edition 00 2on2 Oct. 2008
1st PLACE Rords of the Froor 5 SEATTLE Aug. 2008
1st PLACE Mighty 4 SAN FRANCISCO Mar. 2007
2nd PLACE "360" MARYSVILLE crew on crew June 2008
2nd PLACE Cipher Famous Finals 2 on 2 CANADA July 2008
1st PLACE Breakin' Free 3 on 3 00 HOODRIVER July 2008
2nd PLACE "360" MARYSVILLE 3 on 3 Jan. 2007
1st PLACE Breakin' the Silence MARYSVILLE Oct. 2006
Exhibition: Chacha vs. Flexum (Knuckleheadz Cali) SEATTLE Aug. 2007
Exhibition: Chacha vs. Lancer (Calamities/PhoBangers/BestKeptSecret) MARYSVILLE Jun. 2008
Exhibition: Chacha vs. Dialtone (Session31/ArtofMovement) OREGON Feb. 2006
Exhibition: Chacha vs. Dialtone round 2 SEATTLE Nov. 2006
King of the Hill invite BREAKIN' the SILENCE MARYSVILLE Aug. 2007
King of the Hill invite Kill Beats Vol. 1 CANADA July 2006
Northwest's Sweet (Top) 16 invitational NWS16 SEATTLE Apr. 2008
1st PLACE Eric's Night of Funk PUYALLUP Feb 2008
1st PLACE Kingz of WA NBL West Coast Regional SEATTLE Feb. 2008
1st PLACE Kingz of the US National B-boy League TUCSON Apr. 2008
1st PLACE Massive Monkee Day SEATTLE May 2007
1st PLACE w/ Rock Force Crew Massive Monkee Day SEATTLE May 2008
1st PLACE Harbour Dance Series Vol. 3 CANADA Mar 2008
1st PLACE Harbour Dance Series Vol. 4 CANADA May 2008
1st PLACE Texas Smoke Em' Vol. 1 CANADA June 2008
Evolution 3 Final 8 crews FLORIDA Mar 2007
3rd PLACE World of Dance Tour POMONA/LOSANGELES, CA Mar 2008
1st PLACE Jazzbones 1 on 1 Tacoma, WA 2004
2nd PLACE w/ Supernaturalz Crew PLU 7 Tacoma, WA 2003
1st PLACE Cypha 02' Shoreline, WA 2002
1st PLACE REC B-boy of the Month Shoreline, WA 2002
MAJOR APPEARANCES AND TRAVELS (*excludes minor appearances)
Appearance on MTV's MADE "I want to be a bboy" 2005
Appearance on MTV TRL Commerical 2005
Appearance on Ellen DeGeneres Show 2008 (Performer Footage)
Appearance in the Seattle Times Newspaper 2008
Appearance in The Stranger Editorial 2008
Appearance on CocaCola Commercial 2002
Appearance at Sasquatch Rock Festival 2008 (Performer)
Appearance: Lords of the Floor 2001 Seattle, WA(Performer)
Appearance: Lords of the Floor 2002 Seattle, WA(Performer)
Appearance: Freestyle Session SE Seattle, WA 2003 (Performer)
Appearance: Soul Foot 2006 Canada (Performer)
Appearance: Ashes 2 Ashes Round 3 Oregon 2006 (Performer)
Appearance: B-boy Summit 2006 BOSS JAM Los Angeles, CA (Performer)
Appearance: All Nation: 1 on 1 Bay Area Qualifier Martinez, CA (Performer)
Appearance: Ashes 2 Ashes Round 4 Oregon 2007 (Performer)
Appearance: Ashes 2 Ashes Cali 2006 (Performer)
Appearance: Mighty 4 2007 San Francisco, CA (Performer)
Appearance: Evolution 3 Florida (Performer)
Appearance: Freestyle Session 10th year anniversary 2007 Los Angeles, CA (Perormer)
Appearance: Outbreak 4 Miami, FL 2007 (Performer)
Appearance: TOP30 Ohio 2008 (Performer)
Appearance: World of Dance Tour Pomona, CA 2008 (Performer)
Appearance: World of Dance Tour Dublin, CA 2008 (Performer)
Appearance: Juice Jam Anchorage, AK 2008 (Judge & Exhibition)
Appearance: Freestyle Session 11th year anniversary 2008 Los Angeles, CA (Performer)
Appearance: Coosh Crash Test 2008 Seattle, WA (Performer)
Appearance: A New Hope 2 Sacramento, CA 2009 (Invitational Performer)
Appearance: World of Dance Tour Pomona, CA 2009 (Performer)
Appearance: United Styles 5 Boston, MA 2009 (Performer)
Appearance: Squishy Docious HIJINX Ontario, CA 2009
Appearance: World of Dance San Mateo, CA 2009
Year | Event | Location | Result |
2012 | R-16 Korea, member Dial Tone with Massive Monkees | 1st | |
2011 | Mighty 4 | 1st | |
2010 | Claws Out | 1st | |
2010 | Mighty 4/Zulu Anniversary, 2 on 2 | Seattle | 1st |
2010 | Northwest Sweet 16, 2 on 2 | Seattle | 2nd |
2010 | Fight After X-mas, 2 on 2 | 1st | |
2010 | Winter Nights, 6 on 6 | 1st | |
2009 | Outshine Halloween Jam, 1 on 1 | Seattle | 1st |
2009 | The Takeover $2000, 2 on 2 | Seattle | 3rd |
2009 | Dance Broomz's Dodge Ball $400, 4 on 4 | 1st | |
2009 | United Styles $50,000, 5 on 5 | 3rd | |
2009 | Kill Beats Vol. 4 $1000 | 1st | |
2009 | "360", Crew vs Crew | Marysville | 1st |
2009 | Ashes 2 Ashes Final Round, 1 on 1 | 3rd | |
2009 | Massive Monkee Day, 7 on 7 | Seattle | 2nd |
2009 | Starbar DanceOFF, 1 on 1 | Seattle | 1st |
2008 | The Burn $2000, 5 on 5 | Seattle | 1st |
2008 | Harbour Dance Series Vol. 6 | Canada | 1st |
2008 | Claws Out: Seattle Edition $1000, 2 on 2 | Seattle | 1st |
2008 | Rords of the Froor 5 | Seattle | 1st |
2007 | Mighty 4 | 1st | |
2008 | "360", Crew on Crew | Marysville | 2nd |
2008 | Cipher Famous Finals, 2 on 2 | Canada | 2nd |
2008 | Breakin' Free $1000, 3 on 3 | Hood River | 1st |
2007 | "360" | Marysville | 2nd |
2006 | Breakin' the Silence | Hood River | 1st |
2008 | Eric's Night of Funk | Puyallup | 1st |
2008 | Kingz of WA NBL West Coast Regional | Seattle | 1st |
2008 | Kingz of the US National B-boy League | Tucson | 1st |
2007 | Massive Monkee Day | Seattle | 1st |
2008 | Harbour Dance Series Vol. 3 | Canada | 1st |
2008 | Harbour Dance Series Vol. 4 | Canada | 1st |
2008 | Texas Smoke Em' Vol. 1 | Canada | 1st |
2008 | World of Dance Tour | 3rd | |
2008 | Hat Trick B-boy Showdown | Medicine Hat | 3rd |
2008 | Jazzbones, 1 on 1 | Tacoma | 1st |
2002 | Cypha | Shoreline | 1st |
2002 | Rec. B-boy of the Month | Shoreline | 1st |