微軟曾在其產品中隱藏了眾多復活節彩蛋,如Excel 97隱藏了一個飛行模擬遊戲,Excel 2000隱藏了一個汽車駕駛遊戲,然而微軟的復活節彩蛋傳統自2002年後就停止了。現在,正在研讀MBA的加拿大大學生Cary Walkin讓Excel用戶可以重新玩上遊戲:他花了五個多月時間開發了一個功能完整的回合制角色扮演遊戲:Arena.Xlsm,支持Excel 2007+版本,自上月中旬發布以來下載量超過了25萬。遊戲包含了逾1000種物品,2000個敵人,多種不同結局。 Key Features: Random enemies: Over 2000 possible enemies with different AI abilities. Random items: 39 item modifiers result in over 1000 possible item combinations and attributes. An interesting story with 4 different endings depending on how the player has played the game. 8 boss encounters, each with their own tactics. 4 pre-programmed arenas followed by procedurally generated arenas. Each play-through has its own challenges. 31 Spells. There are many different strategies for success. 20 Unique items. Unique items have special properties and can only drop from specific enemies. 37 Achievements. This is all in a Microsoft Excel workbook.