Anything Is Possible(1990年黛比·吉布森錄唱歌曲)

Anything Is Possible(1990年黛比·吉布森錄唱歌曲)

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《Anything Is Possible》是由美國女歌手黛比·吉布森錄唱的一首歌曲,被收錄在黛比·吉布森於1990年2月14日發行的錄音室專輯《Anything Is Possible》。


  • 外文名:Anything Is Possible
  • 所屬專輯:Anything Is Possible
  • 歌曲原唱:黛比·吉布森
  • 音樂風格:Pop
  • 發行日期:1990年2月14日
  • 歌曲語言:英語
Anything is possible
If you put your mind to it
Anything is possible
Just put your mind to it
Anything is possible
If you put your mind to it
Is possible
Thought I couldn't slow him down
Long enough to look my way
Thought he was out of my league
Wouldn't give me time of day
Thought he was like all the rest
Love her leave her no remorse
But I guess that I misjudged
And this thing just ran its course
He taught me
Anything is possible
If you put your mind to it
Anything is possible
Just put your mind to it
Anything is possible
If you put your mind to it
Anything is possible
Break it down now
No matter what it is its possible
Say anything is possible
(anything ) no matter what it is its possible
Say anything is possible
(anything ) no matter what it is its possible
Say anything is possible
(anything ) no matter what it is its possible
Say anything is possible
Much to my surprise I felt
A warm not cold vibe
When he looked in my eyes
(oh yeah its possible)
His bad boy front not charm
Was his disguise
Oh whoa whoa
(let me tell ya)
He read so much into me
Listened so attentively
He liked me I rest my case
Wasnt just a pretty face
If you set your mind
You can do anything you want
Not every guy is a bad guy
Don't stereotype
Cause this guy he proved me wrong
(anything is possible )
He taught me
Anything is possible
Just put your mind to it
Anything is possible
Just put your mind to it
If you put your mind
You know you can do anything
Anything is possible
Anything is possible
Anything is possible
Just put your mind to it
Anything is possible
If you put your mind to it


