導演達米恩·查澤雷在哈佛大學時認識了音樂系的同學賈斯汀·赫維茨,開始了他們的合作。在製作電影《愛樂之城》時,查澤雷再次邀請赫維茨負責電影的原聲配樂製作。電影的開場曲《Another Day of Sun》由赫維茨結合了主創團隊成員的夢想與現實的壓力,旨在為觀眾傳達“即使現在夢想被現實擊碎,但睡一覺明天仍會是陽光明媚的一天”的輕鬆氛圍。該曲由賈斯汀·赫維茨作曲,而歌詞則由他和創作雙人組本傑·帕塞克、賈斯汀·保羅共同撰寫。
Ba-ba-da-ba da-ba-da-ba Ba-ba-ba ba-da-ba-da-ba Ba-ba-ba ba I think about that day I left him at a Greyhound station West of Santa Fé We were seventeen but he was sweet and it was true Still I did what I had to do 'Cause I just knew Summer Sunday nights We'd sink into our seats Right as they dimmed out all the lights A Technicolor world made out of music and machine It called me to be on that screen And live inside each scene Without a nickel to my name Hopped a bus here I came Could be brave or just insane We'll have to see 'Cause maybe in that sleepy town He'll sit one day the lights are down He'll see my face and think of how he Used to know me Climb these hills I'm reaching for the heights And chasing all the lights that shine And when they let you down You'll get up off the ground 'Cause morning rolls around And it's another day of sun I hear 'em ev'ry day The rhythms in the canyons That'll never fade away The ballads in the barrooms Left by those who came before They say "you gotta want it more" So I bang on ev'ry door And even when the answer's "no" Or when my money's running low The dusty mic and neon glow Are all I need And someday as I sing my song A small-town kid'll come along That'll be the thing to push him on and go go Climb these hills I'm reaching for the heights And chasing all the lights that shine And when they let you down You'll get up off the ground 'Cause morning rolls around And it's another day of sun And when they let you down The morning rolls around It's another day of sun It's another day of sun It's another day of sun It's another day of sun Just another day of sun It's another day of sun Another day has just begun It's another day of sun It's another day of sun |
《愛樂之城》開場曲《Another Day of Sun》為電影奠定了明快活潑的基調。在電影中,洛杉磯大眾在塞車的高速公路上通過演唱和舞蹈表演這首歌曲,為觀眾們介紹了劇情,同時也讓人感受到樂觀積極的氛圍。這首歌歌頌了在娛樂圈追求夢想的樂觀與希望,但也承認過程中的艱辛與掙扎,它在帶給人們歡樂與希望的同時,也展現出一種苦樂參半的情感。當人們聽到這首曲子時,大都市的矛盾與不和諧似乎都被抹去了,歡快的旋律與強烈的節奏感,配合鋼琴、打擊樂與號角樂器的運用,成功地營造出了充滿歡樂的能量場。
《Another Day of Sun》的MV即為音樂劇電影《愛樂之城》的開場片段,MV花了三到四個月的時間準備拍攝,籌集了30名舞者和100名臨時演員,於2015年8月由達米恩·查澤雷在洛杉磯南部法官哈利·普雷格森立交橋的高速坡道上進行了為期兩天的拍攝,坡道在拍攝期間封閉。MV看似長達六分鐘的長鏡頭,但實際上是將三個片段進行了無縫剪輯處理。MV以擁堵的立交橋開場,一位穿著黃色吊帶裙的年輕西班牙裔女子開始在車內唱歌解悶,隨著她下車開始起舞,其餘人也被她感染,紛紛下車在高速道路上、車頂上、貨車的貨箱裡邊唱邊跳,有白人上班族、黑人霹靂舞者,以及身穿紅色弗拉明戈舞裙的西班牙老太太,在種族、性別和階級方面呈現了“烏托邦”式的多元化狂歡,隨著音樂的結束,大家紛紛回到了汽車裡,道路也恢復了暢通。
獲獎時間 | 頒獎方 | 所獲獎項 | 獲獎方 | 獲獎情況 |
2017年11月 | 最佳器樂伴唱編曲 | 《Another Day of Sun》 | 提名 |
演出日期 | 演出場合 | 表演嘉賓 |
2017年1月8日 | 第74屆美國電影電視金球獎頒獎典禮 | 頒獎主持人吉米·法倫及其他嘉賓 |
發行日期 | 歌曲名稱 | 演唱歌手 | 發行公司 |
2018年3月8日 | 《Another Day of Sun》(義大利語) | 索尼音樂 |