An Age of New Possibilities : How Humane Values and an Entrepreneurial Spirit Will Lead Us int

An Age of New Possibilities : How Humane Values and an Entrepreneurial Spirit Will Lead Us int

《An Age of New Possibilities : How Humane Values and an Entrepreneurial Spirit Will Lead Us int》是2004年Random House US出版的圖書,作者是Reinhard Mohn。


  • 書名:An Age of New Possibilities : How Humane Values and an Entrepreneurial Spirit Will Lead Us int
  • 作者:Reinhard Mohn
  • 出版社:Random House US
  • ISBN:9781400053445 
We live in an excitingand rapidly changing time—every day it seems new inventions andinnovations that change our way of life arrive on the scene. Butwhile our day-to-day lives have become easier, the larger pictureis now more complicated. Businesses are also faced with thisquandary. Change is occurring in the economic sphere as quickly andoften as it is in our individual lives, and the new global economyis presenting even more challenges to companies that must operatein an often unfamiliar worldwide arena. As a result, the modernbusiness world is in dire need of a complete overhaul if companiesare to adapt to an environment that is far different from the onein which they initially achieved success.Enter Reinhard Mohn, the innovative entrepreneur who builtBertelsmann into a global powerhouse. Drawing on his more thanfifty years of experience in the private sector, Mohn explains howentrepreneurial leaders have a unique ability to lead businessesinto the future by adapting to new socioeconomic realities. Heshows how private businesses have become increasingly connected toboth politics and the public sector, making the need for constantchange necessary to the survival and success of all companies.Furthermore, Mohn demonstrates why, in order to thrive in thefuture, businesses—as well as governmental and socialorganizations—must abandon the obsolete practices they have longrelied on, creating instead new ways of doing business to adapt toour ever more mutable world.With a career’s worth of knowledge gained by guiding Bertelsmann tobecome one of the foremost media companies in the world, Mohnoffers invaluable insights in An Age of New Possibilities,making this an essential read for anyone with a taste for theincredible challenge of doing business in the twenty-firstcentury.

