Alpha personality

Alpha personality

Alpha personality 中文翻譯為 阿爾法人格,此類人所具有的特點是:自信,有主見,勇於承擔責任,也喜歡指揮他人。有調查顯示,有這樣“阿爾法人格”的人更容易當領導。所以又被稱為“領導人格”。


  • 中文名:阿爾法人格
  • 外文名:Alpha personality
  • 所屬分類:心理學


Alpha personality 中文翻譯為 阿爾法人格,此類人所具有的特點是:自信,有主見,勇於承擔責任,也喜歡指揮他人。有調查顯示,有這樣“阿爾法人格”的人更容易當領導。所以又被稱為“領導人格”。


他們在大型機構身居高位是因為他們天生就是領袖人物。他們樂於承擔責任的能力是普通人永遠都達不到的。大多數人要做重要決定的時候都會覺得壓力很大;而對阿爾法人格的人來說,如果重大的決策落入旁人之手,那他們才會有壓力呢。 在他們看來,做個主事兒的人是如此令人興奮的事情,所以他們很願意承擔起多數人都會覺得過於沉重的擔子。


As the label implies, people with Alpha personality are those who aren’t happy unless they are the top dogs—the ones clearly calling the shots.
Alphas reach the top ranks in large organizations because they are natural leaders. They will be comfortable with responsibility in a way non-Alphas can never be. Most people feel stress when they have to make important decisions: Alphas get stressed when tough decisions don’t rest in their capable hands. For them, being in charge delivers such a thrill that they willingly take on levels of responsibility most rational people would find overwhelming.
Most Alphas assess information and situations very quickly, and this rapid processing can prevent them from listening to others—especially to those who don’t communicate in “Alpha-speak.” Their impatience can thus cause them to miss subtle but important details. Alphas, moreover, have opinions about everything, and they rarely admit that those opinions might be wrong or incomplete. Early in life, Alphas realize that they are smarter than most people—perhaps even smarter than their parents and teachers; as adults, they believe that their insights are unique and therefore put complete faith in their instincts and expect others to do the same.


