All the young men

  • 瑞典民族樂團Triakel的同名唱片Triakel的一首歌曲。Alla gossar (All the Young Men) – 3:12
  • 歌詞大意All the young men are as bright as summer days -
What is it that makes them change then?
When they're married they turn useless every one,
At home they hardly ever stay then.
Every evening they get up and tramp away
To the nearest inn full of drunken din
Home they stagger late in a woeful state.
What a wretched life to be a drinker's wife -
Better to remain unmarried.
Now the times are getting harder for the lads,
Drinking bouts are getting dearer.
Money that could keep them going all night long
Nowadays just lasts an hour.
Those who shun the drink are scorned by other men,
Spirit robs them of both strength and common sense.
Many say "So what? Never mind the cost,
As long as I can get my liquor."
Here's a way of making money everywhere,
Here's an endless source of profit.
When it's time to marry many of the lads
Hardly can afford the bridal gift.
The reason is well known, the fault is all their own,
They've been misbehaving, drinking all night long.
Don't you know it's true, dancing and gambling too
Leave but little in their pockets.
Never will it make the slightest sense to me
Why any young girl wants to marry.
Here and there you see the troubles they've been through,
Losing all their joy and beauty.
Soon they end up dressed in dirty rags and few,
Haggard are their cheeks, they've lost their rosy hue,
Big their bellies swell, their husband's rage as well.
What a wretched life to be a drinker's wife.
Better to remain unmarried.


