All the Money in the World

All the Money in the World

《All the Money in the World》是2015年Penguin Random House US出版的圖書,作者Laura Vanderkam。


  • 中文名:All the Money in the World
  • 作者:Laura Vanderkam
  • 出版社:Penguin Random House US
  • 出版時間:2015年3月28日
  • ISBN:9781591846253


The universal lament about money is that there is never enough. We spend endless hours trying to figure out ways to stretch every dollar and kicking ourselves whenever we spend too much or save too little. For all the stress and effort we put into every choice, why are most of us unhappy about our finances? According to Laura Vanderkam, the key is to change your perspective. Instead of looking at money as a scarce resource, consider it a tool that you can use creatively to build a better life for yourself and the people you care about. Drawing on the latest happiness research as well as the stories of dozens of real people, Vanderkam offers a contrarian approach that forces us to examine our own beliefs, goals, and values.


Laura Vanderkam is the author of 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think and the runaway hit ebook What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast. She lives in Philadelphia with her husband and their three children.,,


