



  • 外文名:adversity
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ədˈvɜːsəti]
  • 美式發音:[ədˈvɜːrsəti]
  • 類型:英語單詞


N-VARAdversity is a very difficult or unfavourable situation. 困境; 逆境


Overcome adversity 克服困境 ; 克服困難
adversity consciousness 憂患意識
Or Adversity 或不幸
payment adversity 支付艱苦
apparent adversity 明顯的逆境
e adversity 經濟逆境
adversity detail 不幸
adversity gene 抗逆基因
Blancing Adversity 在逆境中找到平衡


  • 1He showed courage in adversity.他在逆境中顯示出了勇氣。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Cole's past work has linked various kinds of chronic adversity to a particular gene expression pattern.科爾過去的研究將各種長期性的逆境與特定的基因表達模式聯繫起來。
  • 3She has found that positive emotions broaden a person's perspective and help protect people against adversity.她發現積極的情緒可以拓寬一個人的視野,幫助人們抵抗逆境。
  • 4Rather, the lesson itself is an entertainment: the central character's triumph over adversity is profoundly pleasurable to those readers who identify with her.相反,課程本身是一種娛樂:中心人物戰勝逆境的勝利讓那些和她有共鳴的讀者深感愉悅。
  • 5People whose levels of happiness and meaning line up, and people who have a strong sense of meaning but are not necessarily happy, showed a deactivation of the adversity stress response.那些幸福和意義一致的人,以及那些有強烈的意義感但不一定快樂的人,都不能對逆境壓力產生反應。
  • 6They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity.他們不得不同各種困境鬥爭。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7The "fight" here is versus adversity.這裡的“奮鬥”是針對逆境而言的。
  • 8Overcome adversity and celebrate success.克服逆境和慶祝成功。
  • 9A brave man smiles in the face of adversity.勇者面對逆境也微笑;勇者不懼。
  • 10It builds resilience in the face of adversity.它能增強面對災難的適應力。
  • 11I am better prepared, now, to deal with any adversity.現在我已經做好準備,去對抗逆境。
  • 12Prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them.富裕招致朋友,困苦考驗朋友。
  • 13As in people, so in bats: adversity promotes solidarity.人類是如此,蝙蝠也是如此:逆境增進了團結。
  • 14Americans are adept at finding opportunity in adversity.美國人擅長在逆境中尋找機遇。
  • 15Would like to thank the life of adversity and suffering.要感謝生活中的逆境和磨難。
  • 16His friends fell off one by one when he was in adversity.在他身處逆境時,他的朋友一個接一個離他而去。
  • 17So adversity tempers the human heart, to discover its real worth.因此,逆境能煉就一個人的心,發現這顆心真正的價值。
  • 18There's no opportunity to learn from adversity and problems”.失去從困境和問題中學習的機會。
  • 19Mr Sarkozy thrives on adversity and is bored by tranquillity.薩科奇先生真是一個喜迎困難而怒對平靜之人。
  • 20"All children have the potential to overcome adversity," she said.“所有的孩子都有克服逆境的潛力。”她說。
  • 21Now change may finally be forced on the Landesbanken by adversity.最終州地方銀行將不幸地被迫進行改變。
  • 22In prosperity our friends know us, in adversity we know our friends.在順境中,朋友結識了我們,在逆境中,我們了解了朋友。
  • 23Moreover luxury firms need their own shops to weather adversity.此外,奢侈品公司需要擁有自己的店鋪來度過困境。
  • 24A person who smiles in the face of adversity probably has a scapegoat.一個人面對逆境仍然保持微笑,他大概已經找好了個替罪羊。
  • 25We are like jewels, shaped with the hammer and chisel of adversity.我們有如寶石,需要經過苦難的錘鑿來雕琢。


