- 外文名:Admiration
- 詞性:名詞
- 單詞發音:英[ˌædməˈreɪʃn]美[ˌædməˈreɪʃn]
- 1He ducked his head to hide his admiration.他低下頭以掩飾他的羨慕。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 2He professed his admiration for their work.他表示欽佩他們的工作。《牛津詞典》
- 3He was extravagant in his admiration of Hellas.他對希臘的崇拜過了頭。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 4I have always had the greatest admiration for him.我對他一直懷有最大的欽佩。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 5She won admiration for her comportment during the trial.她在選拔賽中的表現得到了讚賞。《牛津詞典》
- 6Frances beamed at her friend with undisguised admiration.弗朗西絲用毫不掩飾的羨慕的神情朝她的朋友們綻開了笑容。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 7He could not help feeling a grudging admiration for the old lady.他不禁感到不得不欽佩這位老太太。《牛津詞典》
- 8She won the admiration of many people in her battle against cancer.她在與癌症的對抗中贏得了許多人的欽佩。《牛津詞典》
- 9His admiration for the athlete did not extend to the point where he would follow his example in taking drugs.他對這名運動員的崇拜還不至於到效仿他吸毒的程度。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 10I am full of admiration for what you do.我很欽佩你們所做的工作。
- 11So I am full of admiration for what you do.所以我對你所做的一切充滿了欽佩。
- 12The child was full of admiration and wonder.孩子充滿了欽佩和驚訝。
- 13Only through hard work can we win others' admiration.只有通過努力工作,我們才能贏得別人的欽佩。
- 14A low buzz of admiration swept through the assemblage.一陣表示敬佩的低沉的讚賞聲在聚集的人群中傳開。
- 15Students were filled with admiration for their teachers.學生們對老師們充滿了敬佩。
- 16It was all owing to his too affectionate nature, which craved for admiration.這全是由於他生性慈愛,渴望得到別人崇拜。
- 17Ben Weatherstaff chuckled and there was shrewd admiration in his little old eyes.本·威瑟斯塔夫咯咯地笑了,他那雙年老的小眼睛裡流露出讚賞的神色。
- 18The Pompidou Centre in Paris is showing its respect and admiration for the artist.巴黎的蓬皮杜中心表達了對這位藝術家的尊敬和讚賞。
- 19One theoretician propping up another theoretician—this is a mutual admiration society.一個理論家可以去認可另一位——這是個彼此仰慕的社會。
- 20We can't expect kids to turn off that admiration when the same person is selling sugar.當同一個人在賣糖的時候,我們不能指望孩子們會停止那種崇拜。
- 21He signed to them not to give vent to any cry of admiration that might rouse suspicion.為了避免引起懷疑,他示意他們不要發出任何欽佩的聲音。
- 22Reading her biography, I was lost in admiration for what she had achieved in literature.讀了她的傳記,我對她在文學上取得的成就讚嘆不已。
- 23I want to express my admiration for you because you never give up in the face of difficulties.我想要向你表達我對你的欽佩之情,因為你在困難面前從不放棄。
- 24He made himself so killingly funny that he was the envy and admiration of the whole mangy rabble.他把自己弄得那么滑稽可笑,弄得所有骯髒的歹徒都既嫉妒又欽佩。
- 25Reading her biography, I was lost in admiration for what Doris Lessing had achieved in literature.讀了她的傳記,我對多麗絲·萊辛在文學上取得的成就欽佩不已。
- 26His speech and manners became curiously ceremonious and courtly, to the vast admiration and amusement of his intimates.他的言談舉止變得出奇地講究而有宮廷氣派,使他的密友們大為欽佩,也覺得有趣。
- 27They are burned in by emotion and strengthened by strong yearnings, like the yearnings for admiration and righteousness.他們被感情灼燒,被強烈的渴望強化,例如對讚美和正義的渴望。
- 28I had a deep admiration for Sartre.我對薩特懷有深深的敬意。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 29I have great admiration for her as a writer.我十分欽佩她這位作家。《牛津詞典》
- 30His eyes showed open admiration as he looked at her.他看她的時候,眼神里明顯流露著敬佩之情。《牛津詞典》