《Adam Frankenstein》是2013年武漢大學出版社出版的書籍,作者是Fang Fei。
- 書名:Adam Frankenstein
- 作者:Fang Fei
- 出版社:武漢大學出版社
- 出版時間:2013年7月1日
- 頁數:184 頁
- 開本:32 開
- ISBN:9787307108424
- 外文名:Adam Frankenstein
- 語種:英語, 簡體中文
《Adam Frankenstein(英文版)》是一部英文小說,故事背景是18世紀末期,在風光綺麗的蘇格蘭的一所大學內,維克多·弗蘭克斯坦,一名瑞士籍科學家,出於對其所研究的自然科學的狂熱與痴迷,以純科學的方法創造出了一個如《失樂園》中的亞當一般完美的人形生命,並給他起名為亞當·弗蘭克斯坦。被科學創造出來的亞當具有非凡的智慧,如天神般的美貌,以及一個渴望與這個世界溝通交流的靈魂。在維克多的指引下,亞當很快地掌握了大量自然科學,人文科學方面的知識。隨著對人類世界日益增長的了解,亞當也逐漸開始渴望與周圍的人們建立平等親密的關係。然而這一切都會如科學家當初所構想的那么完美嗎?亞當,這個非人類的智慧生命真的能夠被他所認為的“同類”所接納嗎?《Adam Frankenstein(英文版)》作者在其小說中,探索了存在於美與醜,自然與科學之間的人性鬥爭。
《Adam Frankenstein(英文版)》靈感來自雪萊的深深的不安的故事。近兩個世紀前,十八—歲的英國小說家,瑪麗雪萊創造科學怪人,她在其中展開一個日內瓦的科學家之間的悲劇故事,維克多弗蘭肯斯坦和他的產品失敗的科學實驗:一個可怕的怪物。
To Mr.Frankenstein,Geneva
The Manuscript of Professor Adam Nightly's
CHAPTER 2 First Day
CHAPTER 3 A Visitor
CHAPTER 4 Eavesdrop
CHAPTER 5 Enlightenment and Doubt
CHAPTER 6 Family
CHAPTER 7 Acceptance
CHAPTER 8 Loss and Pain
CHAPTER 9 Fugitive
CHAPTER 10 Encounter
CHAPTER 11 Capture
CHAPTER 12 Trail Day
Victor Frankenstein,in Continuation
CHAPTER 13 The Other William
CHAPTER 14 Confrontation
CHAPTER 15 Reunion
CHAPTER 16 The Sentenced and His Choice
CHAPTER 17 The Left One
Fang Fei, born in July, 1992, Fei is now a junior in theDepartment of English, School of Foreign I_~mguages andLiterature, Wuhan University. Ever since she entered theuniversity, Fei has indulged herself in both English and Chinesecreative writings. To acquire a more intense appreciation onEnglish literature, in 2011, as an exchange student, Fei spentone semester in University of Glasgow, where she did a criticalanalysis on a couple of romantic novels, among which MaryShelley's Frankenstein inspired her profoundly. After readingFrankenstein, Fei had a peculiar dream, in which a godlikecreature, which resembles Adam in Paradise Lost, after beingenergized by the lighming, wakes up and comes to life. Thisscene takes place besides Loeb Lomond, Scotland, where Feiused to visit when she was staying in Glasgow. In 2013, as asalute to Mary Shelley, the mother of science fiction as well as arecord on the dream, in her novel, Adam Frankenstein, Feidiscussed another possibility of the Frankenstein story.