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acupuncture ,英語單詞,釋義為n. 針灸;針刺療法 v. 對…施行針刺療法


  • 外文名:Acupuncture
  • 音標:英 [ˈækjupʌŋktʃə(r)] 美 [ˈækjupʌŋktʃər]
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞


英 [ˈækjupʌŋktʃə(r)] 美 [ˈækjupʌŋktʃər]


  • 1I had acupuncture in my lower back.我在後腰上做了針灸。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Acupuncture treatment is gentle, painless, and relaxing.針灸治療很溫和,無痛,也很放鬆。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Acupuncture has a harmonizing and energizing effect on mind and body.針灸療法有協調和激活身心的功效。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4A permanent cure will only be effected by acupuncture, chiropractic, or manipulation.只有針灸、按摩或推拿術才能實現永久的治癒。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5I gave Kevin a course of acupuncture using six needles strategically placed on the scalp.我給凱文進行了一個療程的針灸治療,把6支銀針分別扎在頭皮的關鍵穴位上。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6This kind of medicine is called acupuncture.這種治療方法叫做針灸。
  • 7Few, though, can adequately explain how acupuncture works.然而,幾乎沒有人能充分解釋針灸是如何起作用的。
  • 8Acupuncture points are stimulated to balance the circulation of qi.刺激穴位以平衡氣的流通。
  • 9Acupuncturists may say that the body has more than 800 acupuncture points.針灸師可能會說,人體有800多個穴位。
  • 10The truth is, though acupuncture is at least 2,200 years old, nobody really knows what's happening.事實是,儘管針灸有至少2200年的歷史,但沒有人真正了解針灸。
  • 11Nowadays, a lot of medical doctors have learned acupuncture techniques; so have a number of dentists.如今,許多醫生已經學會了針灸技術,一些牙醫也是如此。
  • 12During the hours spent waiting in vain to see a bone doctor, I decided to take another track and try acupuncture.在白白等待看骨科醫生的幾個小時裡,我決定換一種方式,去嘗試針灸。
  • 13The clinical observation of treatment with acupuncture and herbs for muscular pseudohypertrophy and progressive myodystrophy are required.需要用針灸和草藥治療肌肉假性肥大和進行性肌營養不良的臨床觀察。
  • 14He regained his listening after receiving acupuncture treatment.他經過針刺恢復了聽力。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 15She votes. She does acupuncture.她參加投票;給人針灸。
  • 16What's the evidence for acupuncture?針刺證明有效嗎?
  • 17Real acupuncture did reduce the need for pain medicine.真正的針灸的確能減少止疼藥的需求。
  • 18I can sit straight today. The acupuncture is really great.今天我可以坐直了。針灸的確很棒。
  • 19You can give a late-term abortion with just acupuncture.你可以通過針灸來晚期流產。
  • 20Then enter one Dr. Wang, who performed acupuncture on Mrs. Liu.接下來上場的王大夫在劉女士身上扎針灸。
  • 21Just as effective as acupuncture which we are using to treat you.就像我們治療你的病用的針灸一樣有效。
  • 22Chinese traditional doctors have practiced acupuncture for centuries.中醫已經使用了數百年針灸。
  • 23Dr. Hung doesn't use laser acupuncture, even when dealing with children.洪博士即使治療兒童時也不使用雷射針。
  • 24I believe we've found the main mechanism by which acupuncture relieves pain.我相信我們已經找出了為何針灸能夠止痛的主要機理。
  • 25He's at his first acupuncture treatment with Dr. Shashi Kumar, a physiatrist.他的醫生,健保醫師沙市-庫馬爾,為他作第一次針灸治療。


