- 套用名稱:AcuClock
- 套用平台:mobile
- 套用版本:1.0.6
- 運行環境:Android 1.5
- 套用類型:系統安全類
AcuClock是一款能夠協助中醫師進行針灸療程的小工具。它能夠記錄病患針灸個數、時間以及設定鬧鈴,以便提醒中醫師及時取針。此簡易版本僅提供簡易功能。AcuClock是一款能夠協助中醫師進行針灸療程的小工具。它能夠記錄病患針灸個數、時間以及設定鬧鈴,以便提醒中醫師及時取針。此簡易版本僅提供簡易功能。This application is used to help Chinese medicine to record the needles while they are processing an acupuncture therapy。It could help Chinese medicine to record how many needles they should pick up in each limb in case of they forget the number。Not only it could remind when should the Chinese medicine to pick up needles for patient by setting several reminders,but also sending the whole records to whom care about their health。