


  • 中文名:Acetre
  • 國籍:西班牙
  • 代表作品:《Barrunto》
  • 成員人數:7


Created in 1976, Acetre is one of the most emblematic and experienced groups within the folk panorama of Extremadura. Their music becomes essential in order to understand the direction of folk music in the past few years, not only in their region but also in the rest of Spain.Starting from a rich traditional base and in union with their great experience as musicians, they have created and renewed music by making the right choice between instrumental and vocal quality, moreover they have been able to open new horizons with music inspired from traditional roots.
Their birthplace Olivenza, (a town rooted in two cultures Spanish and Portuguese) gives them the simple and naturally spontaneous characteristic of being considered as 'bicultural', which can only be explained as growing up and learning with the knowledge and essence of two cultures that are present in everyday life. Therefore in their repertoire they unite perantones, pindongos, tonadas festivas or Extremenian alboradas with verdegaios,
Portuguese fados and corridiños. A combination used to great advantage, which as a result gives one of the most exquisite sounds in what we understand as renewed musical tradition.
The artistic philosophy of their music is to be understood as…. an inherited language to which they apply their particular semantics… they interpret them with an indisputable vocal value and beauty. There is an instrumental beauty that coexists with their subtle harmonies and compositions, adopted from old melodies with an important dose of experimentation, opening new doors for traditional music.
(資料來自Music of Extremadura , Wikipedia)
Music of Extremadura
Extremadura is a region in Spain near Portugal. Its folk music can be characterized by a melancholy sound, and Portuguese influences, as well as the predominance of the zambomba drum (similar to Brazilian cuica), which is played by pulling on a rope which is inside the drum. There is also a rich repertoire of gaita (local name for a bagpipe) music. Jota is also common, here played with triangles, castanets, guitars, tambourines, accordions and zambombas.
There are few ethnomusicological recordings of Extremaduran music, with the most influential and well-known being by American researcher Alan Lomax. Lomax came to Spain in 1952-3 to avoid persecution as a Communist and found some hostility from Spanish researchers, then in a period of great political upheaval. Lomax and his assistant, Jeanette Bell, did much of their recording in secret.
Extremadura has long been one of the poorest regions in the country. As a result, many of its people left to Latin America during the colonial era (1492-1820's), leaving a mark on Latin music.
Traditional Extremaduran dances include:
- El baile de la pata
- El perantón
- El pindongo
- El son brincao
- El son llano
- La Zajarrona
"The Spanish Recordings: Extremadura" (Various artists) (collected by Alam Lomax) (Rounder, 2002)


Jose Tomas Sousa, acoustic guitar, keyboard, musical composition and direction
Ana Marquez, vocal
Raquel Sandes, vocal and flute
Juan Alvarez, vocal
Victor Asensio, flutes, clarinet, low whistle, Extremaduran bagpipes
Inés Romero, accordion
Diana Vara, violin
Antonio Leyras, acoustic bass
Fran Gonzalez, drums


Dehesario 2007
Barrunto, 2003
Canto de Gamusinos, 1999
De maltesería, 1994
Acetre, 1989
Ramapalla, 1987
Extremadura en la frontera, 1985
1.El paso del Zajori
2.Purificas de Monroy
3.Alborada de Fregenal
4.Pescador da barquiña
6.Candea fado
7.Auroros de Zarzacapilla
8.Bailes del pandero
9. La Serrana de la Vera
10. La Capitana
11.Lux heretica
12.Coplas a San Sebastian
13.Fiesta de los Ratiños
《Canto de gamusinos》
《Canto de gamusinos》《Canto de gamusinos》
2.Alborada de Jarramplas
3.Peranton de fiesta
4.Peranton de fiesta
5.Fado de la luna
6.Pregon y chiriviquis
7. La mimbre02:03
8.Pindongo hechizado
9.Ronda de amores
10. La vara pelada
11.Romance de novios
《De maltesería》
1 La pájara pinta
《De maltesería》《De maltesería》
2 Ronda de los novios
3 Pelitos de ratón?
4 Vejo mar vejo terra
5 Ronda de antebodas
6 La chata miringuela
7 Antiguo corridinho
8 Jota de la garganta
9 Ronda de la dama
10 Las cigarreras
11 Canto de arrieros
12 Las costureras
1 la danza del mostrenco
2 mae bruxa
3 hierba loba
4 amores corridinos
5 la rueda de la fortuna
6 al zerandeo
7 rama de alecrim
8 arandillo
9 taberna
10 a rola
11 la dama coruja vals
12 latifundia
13 yeytu vira


