a smiley face on her right middle finger 右手中指上的笑臉紋身
a "P" on the inside of her right wrist 右手腕內側的"p"字母紋身
3 triangles on the inside of her left wrist 左手腕內側的三個三角形an infinity symbol on her right inner forearm 右手前臂內側的無限大符號the letters "R.I.P." on her left inner forearm 左手前臂內側的R.I.P字母a stick-figure angel on her right shoulder-blade and a stick-figure devil on her left shoulder-blade 右肩胛骨上的天使圖案簡筆畫以及左肩胛骨上的惡魔圖案簡筆畫a flower on her upper back背部上方的花朵紋身a large cross on her lower back 背部下方的十字架a smiley face on her left inner ankle 左腳腳踝內側的笑臉紋身and 3 dots on her right outer ankle. 右腳腳踝外側的三個點狀紋身there is also a heart on her left ring finger 左手無名指上的心形紋身(Tattoo Artist "Seven" from California Tattoo on Hollywood Blvd has done most of her tattoos,她的紋身多數是由來自加州好萊塢的紋身藝術家“Seven”完成的。 )