美國國家標準學會(American National Standard Institute,ANSI)是美國非營利性民間標準化團體。自願性標準體系的協調中心。成立於1918年。總部設在紐約。有250多個專業學會、協會、消費者組織以及1 000多個公司(包括外國公司)參加。聯邦政府機構的代表以個人名義參加其活動。不接受政府的資助。
美國國家標準學會(American National Standard Institute,ANSI)是美國非營利性民間標準化團體。自願性標準體系的協調中心。1918年10月19日,美國材料試驗協會(ASTM)、與美國機械工程師協會(ASME)、美國礦業與冶金工程師協會(ASMME)、美國土木工程師協會(ASCE)、美國電氣工程師協會(AIEE)等組織,在美國商務部、陸軍部和海軍部3個政府機構的參與下,共同發起成立了美國工程標準委員會(AESC)。1928年AESC改組為美國標準協會(ASA),1966年8月又改組為美利堅合眾國標準學會(USASI),1969年10月6日始改為現名。總部設在紐約。有250多個專業學會、協會、消費者組織以及1000多個公司(包括外國公司)參加。聯邦政府機構的代表以個人名義參加其活動。不接受政府的資助。
ANSI/ISEA 107-2004 - American National Standard for High-Visibility Safety Apparel and Headwear
Description: This standard provides a uniform,authoritative guide for the design,performance specifications,and use of high-visibility and reflective apparel including vests,jackets,bib/jumpsuit coveralls,trousers and harnesses. Garments that meet this standard can be worn 24 hours a day to provide users with a high level of conspicuity through the use of combined fluorescent and retroreflective materials.
Requirement: To comply with ANSI/ISEA 107-2004,a garment's background material,and retroreflective or combined-performance material,must be tested and certified by an independent,accredited third-party laboratory. The manufacturer of the finished item then verifies that the garment or headwear meets all the requirements of the standard,and provides a certificate of compliance for for each model.
ANSI Z87.1-2003 - American National Standard for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection Devices
Description: ANSI Z87.1-2003,published in August 2003,establishes performance criteria and testing requirements for devices used to protect the eyes and face from injuries from impact,non-ionizing radiation and chemical exposure in workplaces and schools. It covers all types of protective devices,including:
· spectacles (plano and prescription)
· goggles
· faceshields
· welding helmets and handshields
· full facepiece respirators
The standard includes descriptions and general requirements,as well as criteria for testing,marking,selection,use and care. Note that it does not apply to hazardous exposure to bloodborne pathogens,X-rays,high-energy particulate radiation,microwaves,high-frequency radiation,lasers,masers,or sports.
ANSI Z89.1-2003 - American National Standard for Industrial Head Protection
Description: This standard provides performance and testing requirements for industrial helmets,commonly known as hard hats. It is a revision of ANSI Z89.1-1997,which established the types and classes of protective helmets,depending on the type of hazard encountered. It includes specifications for helmets designed to offer protection from lateral impact,or top-only impact,giving employers and users the flexibility to specify the helmet that best meets the needs of their specific workplace.
ANSI/ISEA 101-1996 (R2002) - American National Standard for Limited-Use and Disposable Coveralls - Size and Labeling Requirements
ANSI/ISEA 102-1990 (R2003) - American National Standard for Gas Detector Tubes - Short Term Type for Toxic Gases and Vapors in Working Environments
ANSI/ISEA 104-1998 (R2003) - American National Standard for Air Sampling Devices - Diffusive Type for Gases and Vapors in Working Environments
ANSI/ISEA 105-2005 - American National Standard for Hand Protection Selection Criteria
ANSI Z308.1-2003 - American National Standard - Minimum Requirements for Workplace First Aid Kits
ANSI Z358.1-2004 - American National Standard for Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment
應急洗眼和淋浴用設備(已經由ANSI/ISEA Z358.1 2009代替)
ANSI /ISEA Z358.1-2009 - American National Standard for Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment
ISEA:International Safety Equipment Assocition
ANSI Z97.1 - American National Standard For Safety Glazing Materials Used in Buildings - Safety Performance Specifications and Methods of Test
Scope: In accordance with the scope determined by the 297 Standards Committee,this standard establishes the specifications and methods of test for the safety properties of safety glazing materials (glazing materials designed to promote safety and to reduce or minimize the likelihood of cutting and piercing injuries when the glazing materials are broken by human contact) as used for all building and architectural purposes.
ANSI A14.2: 2000 - American National Standard For Ladders - Portable Metal - Safety Requirements
Description: These standards detail specifications on the materials,construction requirements,test requirements,usage guidelines and labeling/marking requirements for portable ladders. The type of material to be used is determined by the environment the finished ladder will encounter (electrical hazards,temperature extremes,corrosion,outdoor weathering,etc.). Metal ladders do not have material guidelines. ladders are generally evaluated on their resistance to bending,strength in various positions and the quality of the individual components that make up the ladder.
Construction requirements include weight and size categories for portable ladders. Usage guidelines for portable ladders encompass selecting the proper ladder for the job being performed; inspecting prior to use to verify proper operation and cleanliness; evaluating ladder placement so that footing and top supports are secure and not creating a traffic hazard for pedestrians; utilizing proper climbing technique; and caring for and storing ladders. Ladders must be marked with ladder size,type,maximum length,number of sections (if appropriate),highest standing level,total length of sections (if applicable),model number,manufacturer's name,manufacturer's location,and date of manufacture. Usage guidelines and other warning statements must also be placed on the ladders in specific locations.