


  • 書名:ACM國際大學生程式設計競賽:題目與解讀
  • 作者:俞勇
  • ISBN:9787302294924
  • 出版時間:2012.12.01


作者:俞勇 主編




第一部分 例 題 精 講
第1章 數學 3
1.1 機率 3
Coupons 3
Generator 3
1.2 代數 4
1.2.1 Polya 4
Arif in Dhaka (First Love
Part 2) 4
1.2.2 矩陣 5
Tower 5
XX Language 6
1.2.3 線性方程組 7
Ars Longa 7
1.2.4 線性規劃 8
Expensive Drink 8
1.3 組合 9
1.3.1 基本排列組合 9
The Unreal Tournament 9
1.3.2 容斥原理 10
Jackpot 10
The Almost Lucky Numbers 11
1.3.3 生成函式 12
Vasya’s Dad 12
1.3.4 生成樹計數 13
Organising the Organisation 13
1.3.5 綜合 14
Hero of Our Time 14
Permutation 15
1.4 博弈 17
Battle for the Ring 17
Fool’s Game 17
Points Game 18
1.5 數論 20
1.5.1 模線性方程 20
Integer Sequences 20
1.5.2 歐幾里得 20
Wizards 20
1.5.3 歐拉定理 21
Strange Limit 21
1.5.4 歐拉函式 22
GCD Determinant 22
1.5.5 平方剩餘 23
Square Root 23
1.5.6 原根 24
Fermat’s Last Theorem 24
1.5.7 整除與剩餘 26
Brute-Force Algorithm 26
Integral Roots 26
Vivian’s Problem 27
1.5.8 中國剩餘定理 28
Voyager 1 28
1.6 分析 29
Bridge 29
第2章 數據結構 31
2.1 優先佇列 31
The Lazy Programmer 31
2.2 線性表 32
Book Pile 32
2.3 散列表 32
Language Recognition 32
2.4 並查集 33
Feel Good 33
Parity 34
2.5 排序 35
Inversions 35
All for Love 35
2.6 ST表 37
Lubenica 37
2.7 樹狀數組 38
Elections 38
Stars 39
2.8 線段樹 40
Dynamic Rankings 40
Wild West 41
2.9 可並堆 41
Monkey King 41
2.10 平衡樹 42
Treediff 42
維護數列 43
2.11 動態樹 44
第3章 圖論 46
3.1 路徑 46
3.1.1 連通性 46
Network Attack 46
Synchrograph 47
3.1.2 歐拉路 48
Strange Graph 48
3.1.3 基本最短路 49
Animal Run 49
New Islands 50
Recover Path 51
Grammars 52
3.1.4 有負權的最短路 53
Layout 53
Sightseeing Cows 53
Word Rings 54
3.2 匹配 55
3.2.1 二分圖匹配 55
Double NP-hard 55
Emergency Pizza Order 56
Number Graph 56
Rooks 58
3.2.2 二分圖最優匹配 59
Railway Communication 59
The Great Wall Game 60
Warehouse 61
3.2.3 穩定婚姻 61
Ladies’ Choice 61
3.3 樹 62
3.3.1 最小生成樹 62
Confidential 62
Island Explorer 63
3.3.2 最優比率生成樹 64
Portkey Network 64
3.4 網路流 65
3.4.1 最大流(最小割) 65
Bomb, Divide and Conquer 65
Buy one, get the rest free 66
Destroying The Graph 67
Dual Core CPU 68
Network Wars 68
Rectangle of Permutation 69
The Glorious Karlutka River 71
3.4.2 有上下界的網路流 72
Flow construction 72
Reactor Cooling 72
3.4.3 費用流 73
Highway Patrol 73
Insurrection 74
Paint the Roads 75
Shortest pair of paths 76
第4章 計算幾何 77
4.1 多邊形 77
Areas 77
Cave Crisis 78
Chocolate 79
Ancient vending machine 80
Fool’s Day 81
4.2 圓 82
Sweet Dream 82
Malfatti Circles 83
Get Out! 84
Biscuits 85
4.3 凸包 85
Mixed Juice 85
Fuel 86
4.4 半平面交 87
Fairies’ Defense 87
Largest Circle 88
4.5 離散化 89
Phone cell 89
Shy Polygons 90
降雨量 91
月下檸檬樹 92
4.6 立體幾何 94
3D Triangles 94
Lowest Pyramid 94
The Return of Carl 96
第5章 求解策略 97
5.1 搜尋 97
Holedox Moving 97
Insecure in Prague 98
Mines For Diamonds 99
Power Calculus 101
智破連環陣 102
5.2 貪心 103
Beijing Guards 103
Body Check 104
Cow Acrobats 104
Keep the Customer
Satisfied 105
5.3 遞推 106
Dispute 106
Dropping water balloons 107
Questions 108
管道取珠 109
5.4 分治 110
Friendly Points 110
Mokia 111
Tree 112
5.5 動態規劃 113
5.5.1 經典問題 113
Boxes of Chocolates
Again 113
Greatest Common Increasing
Subsequence 114
Inheritance 114
Long Live the Queen 115
Prince and Princess 116
5.5.2 樸素動態規劃 116
Clock 116
Damn Couples 117
Decrypt the Dragon
Scroll 118
Dice contest 120
Drive through MegaCity 120
Facer’s Chocolate Dream 122
Incredible! 123
Lights 124
Network Connection 124
Painting the balls 125
Persephone 126
Post offices 127
Salary for Robots 128
Salesman 130
Shoveling Snow 131
Strange Dream 132
The Best Name for Your
Baby 133
The Bookcase 134
Think Positive 134
Wildcards 136
Yet Another Answer 137
二叉查找樹 137
5.5.3 樹形 138
Apple Transportation 138
Chandelier 140
Counting heaps 141
Succession 142
Tribe Council 143
Vaccination Centers 144
網路收費 145
5.5.4 按位動態規劃 146
Almost Lucky Numbers 146
Amount Of Degrees 147
Hotel in Ves Lagos 147
Password Remembering 148
5.5.5 狀態壓縮 149
Controlled Tournament 149
Easter Eggs 149
Fun Game 150
Integer Transmission 151
5.5.6 連通性 152
Connect 152
Channel 153
Manhattan Wiring 155
Paint Me Less 156
Pipes 157
Tour in the Castle 159
5.5.7 最佳化 160
Euro 160
Fibonacci Subsequence 163
Nice Prefixes 164
Quadratic Functions 166
Two Sawmills 167
Frogs 169
詩人小G 171
5.6 模擬 172
Archery 172
Exiting Time 173
Flip and Turn 175
Water Tanks 175
5.7 構造 177
Airline Company 177
Funny Language 178
Payment System 178
Square country 3 179
Train Car Sorting 180
5.8 二分 180
Array Transformations 180
Doors 182
Food Competition 183
5.9 三分 184
Fire Station Building 184
5.10 離散化 184
Crop circles 184
5.11 遺傳算法 186
Sherlock Holmes 186
第6章 論題選編 188
6.1 字元串 188
6.1.1 KMP 188
Cow Patterns 188
6.1.2 Trie樹 189
Billing Table 189
6.1.3 後綴數組 189
Stammering Aliens 189
Common Substrings 190
Connecting the
Segments 191
6.1.4 自動機 192
Censored! 192
6.1.5 Rabin-Karp 193
Square Palindrome 193
6.2 最近公共祖先 195
The Merchant 195
Transportation Network 196
Design the city 196
6.3 2-SAT 197
Game with cards 197
Cipher 198
6.4 快速傅立葉變換 199
K-neighbor substrings 199
第二部分 題 庫


