ABM GROUP,Marketing & RND:,


ABM was founded in 1960 in Europe. It went through 50 years and two generations and became an important ceramic tile group operating worldwide. Now led by Anastasios Milonas, the Group can boast a firmly rooted brand image thanks to a positioning strategy increasingly focused on high end European products. The Group owns its first production base in Sassuolo, Italy, with 5 production lines, a range of 50 collections comprising more than 3000 items; embody new tastes and new concepts of space. Currently, it has developed a global distribution network comprising the largest wholesale and retail companies.
ABM GROUP在歐洲成立於1960年,經過50年的專業技術與豐富經驗,使得ABM成為享譽全球的建陶品牌。在總經理Anastasios Milonas的帶領下,高端產品的品牌形象已經穩固樹立於歐洲市場。集團的第一個生產基地位於義大利的Sassuolo,擁有五條生產線,包括50個系列3000多產品,迎合不同的新口味和新空間的概念,行銷網路遍布全球。
ABM Holdings
ABM Holdings is an investment company which in charge of management and overall business development.
ABM Holding 是一家提供管理及全盤商業情況服務的投資公司
ABM Production Europe Sector is the first production base of ABM Group for ceramic tiles, owning 5 production lines, equipped with most advanced machineries and updated technologies. From the raw materials to the finished surfaces: the high quality of ABM tiles comes from a thorough control of all stages in the production cycle, which are entrusted all over the world. Quality also means innovation: for this reason the ABM makes substantial investments every year, assigning a significant portion of them to research.ABM PRODUCTION 歐洲分部是ABM集團第一個建陶生產基地,擁有5條尖端生產線,裝備有最先進的設備和技術。從原料到表面處理,ABM高端的品質來源於對每一個生產環節的全面控制,也贏得了全世界顧客的信任。高品質同樣來源於創新,基於這一點,ABM每年都投入大筆資金進行研發,研發經費在集團整體投資中占了極高的比例。
ABM is the result of in-depth research into materials, finishes, and decorations; the company’s technical staff and product managers work side-by-side with architects and designers. The home is the true focus of ABM’s R&D work, creating products that are always designed for a very specific kind of living space.
ABM在原料、表面處理和 配飾上有著極其深入的研究。公司技術人員和產品經理攜手設計師和美術師共同開發,以“家居”為主要關注點,打造了一個又一個體現出優雅舒適的家局生活空間的產品。
ABM Production Asia Sector is established in 2009 and it is a second production and export base of ABM Group for ceramic wall & floor tiles. It is located in the ceramic city of China, Foshan with a 3000 sqm showroom and office at China Ceramics Industry Headquarters. It involves in every stage upon production from R&D, production, QC, packaging, to completion of high level of ABM products, also export.
ABM PRODUCTION亞洲分部(佛山安百美建材有限公司)於2009成立,是ABM集團第二個建陶生產基地和出口公司 。亞洲分部位於中國佛山的陶瓷產業總部基地,展廳和辦公室占地3000平方米, 負責ABM所有產品的創新研發,以最高端生產標準製造最具競爭力的產品,確保產品符合標準和兼具穩定質量, 達到出口市場和客戶的需求。
CASA BRAVA provides high quality of ABM products and professional services, distributing in domestic Greek market. Products include ceramic tiles, mixer taps, bathroom fittings, shower & bath as well as bathroom units; a complete range of solutions to meet the numerous requirements of customers. In Greece, Casa Brava has penetrated the market share in the industry; there are more than 200 cooperator outlets of ABM products. It has enormous warehouse strategically placed to enable the business to make the best of the logistics in providing the products to the customers on a timely and quality basis. Services from our heart are always our pledge to the business.
Casa Brava 是希臘建築材料專門分銷商,產品包括陶瓷牆地磚、五金水龍頭、浴室家俱、衛生潔具、沐浴房、智慧型蒸汽房、陶瓷衛浴和玻璃衛浴所有配套產品等,滿足顧客不同層次的消費需求,提供顧客一站式的服務。Casa Brava擁有超過200家分銷中心,通過一流的管理,高標準質量的產品,精刻的分銷中心和完善的設施,以客為先,在希臘的市場上盛名享譽行業內外。
ABM International is a professional marketing financial services in the field of Architecture and Building Materials. As a member of ABM Group, we share the vision to satisfy our customer needs by offering wide range of consultancy advice.
ABM International,一個在建材行業中非常專業的市場財務服務公司,一直以全方面的服務理念,廣泛周到的服務,滿足我們每位客戶的需求
ABM China
Established in early 2010, ABM China takes care of the marketing and service networks for ABM products of Europe Sector into the high end Chinese market. ABM China has been making great efforts to supply high quality products and service to high-end consumers together with its outstanding business partners from China.
ABM CHINA於2010年成立,負責ABM歐洲產品在遠東地區之行銷服務工作。將以積極真誠的態度,攜手中國優秀合作夥伴為高端消費者提供高品質產品及服務。
We offer to people who want to create a special personal space – their home – a home that represent someone’s personality. We take a holistic approach in the development and design of our product range which can be fitted to the needs and dreams of our customers. Visit us and get professional advice about your home. At ABM Shop, we are passionate about what we sell and take pride in achieving the best results for our customers. We have skilled consultants who care about living style as much as you do. Their design and product knowledge can help you to make the best choices for their home.

Marketing & RND:

ABM (Architectural Building Material) was formed as a new, intelligent, flexible and fast-growing brand name. The founders instilled qualities such as an
independent spirit, financial prudence, commercial acumen and the understanding of the need to build strong relationships in business. Since ABM’s formation, there has been a constant evolution in the nature of its business interests as they kept pace with the times. Today, its businesses are at the forefront of their chosen markets. They include transport services, logistics points in the heart of the Mediterranean Sassuolo (Italy) as well as Pireaus (Greece), financial services, management and distribution companies. The ABM Group is active principally in the markets of Europe and Asia. Through a balance of successful activities, investment in new businesses and long-term property assets, the Group aims to produce sustained growth in shareholder value.
ABM (是“Architectural Building Material” 的縮寫)作為一個嶄新的、迅速成長的品牌,蘊含著智慧與靈活。創建者們憑藉其具備的優良品質,如獨立自主的精神、穩健的財政控制、精明的經商才幹 、以及對市場需求的了解,開拓了強有力的商業版圖。 從ABM創建之日起就一直在與時俱進地發展。現如今,公司在自己的各個市場中均處於最前沿的位置,開展業務包括運輸物流服務(在地中海的“心臟”義大利Sassuolo 和希臘Pireaus 設立了物流中轉點)、金融服務、管理服務、分銷公司等。ABM集團積極參與歐洲亞洲市場,在新的商業領域進行了一系列成功的投資,包括長期固定資產的投資。集團的目標是保證股東收益持續地增長。


