Coldplay - A Whisper
A whisper, a whisper, a whisper, a whisper
A whisper, a whisper, a whisper, a whisper
I hear the sound like the ticking of clocks
Remember your face and remember to see when you are gone
I hear the sound like the ticking of clocks
Come back and look for me
Look for me when I am lost
Just a whisper, a whisper, a whisper, a whisper
Just a whisper, a whisper, a whisper, a whisper
Not since the day
When I still had these questions
Who just could blame
Shall I go forwards or backwards
Not since today
And I still get no answers
Just a whisper, a whisper, a whisper, a whisper
Just a whisper, a whisper, a whisper, a whisper
I hear the sound like the ticking of clocks
Remember your face and remember to see when you are gone
I hear the sound like the ticking of clocks
Come back and look for me
Look for me when I am lost
Just a whisper, a whisper, a whisper, a whisper
Just a whisper, a whisper, a whisper, a whisper
Chris Martin細膩深情的嗓音為這張新作保留了與首發專輯《Parachutes》一樣精彩美妙的色調,但他們顯然在風格轉變上花了不少功夫。比如那首“God Put a Smile upon Your Face”,極具魔幻色彩;而“AWhisper”中溫暖得催人入眠的歌聲則讓人無比懷念Jefferson Airplane。除此之外,11首曲子(無論是文學氣息濃厚的“InMyPlace”還是上世紀60年代頌歌“Daylight”)中都瀰漫Martin和Coldplay極富衝擊力的鋼琴,還有氣勢宏大的管弦樂聲。“Give me real,don't give mefake”(給我來點真誠,我不要欺騙)Martin在首唱曲目“Politik”中這樣唱著,沉靜且恰如其分地表明了這張唱片絕不妥協的立場。