A Skeptic\x27s Guide to the 12 Steps

A Skeptic\x27s Guide to the 12 Steps

《A Skeptic's Guide to the 12 Steps》是1990年Hci出版的圖書,作者是Z, Phillip。


  • 外文名:A Skeptic's Guide to the 12 Steps 
  • 作者:Z, Phillip
  • 出版時間:1990年10月
  • 出版社:Hci
  • 頁數:252 頁
  • ISBN:9780894867224
  • 定價:15.76 美元
  • 裝幀:Pap
How many of us have felt like Phillip Z? He has a staunch belief in the Twelve Steps, yet struggles with the concept of a Higher Power. In "A Skeptic's Guide to the 12 Steps, " the author investigates each of the Twelve Steps to gain a deeper understanding of a Higher Power. He examines what may seem like "unsettling" concepts to us including surrendering one's will and life to God, and he encourages us to understand the spiritual journey of recovery despite our skepticism.


