We're damned & we are dead!
All god's children 2 be sent.
To our perfect place in the gun & in the dirt!
There's a windshield in my heart.
We're hugs so smeared & scaried!
And could U stop the meal from thinking?
Before I swallow all of it.
Could U please?
Put me in the motorcade !
Put me in the death parade !
Dress me up & make me !
Dress me up & make me !
U dying god !
Angel with needles poked through our eyes !
And let the ugly light of the world in.
And we were no longer blind.
And we were no longer blind.
Put me in the motorcade !
Put me in the death parade !
Dress me up & make me !
Dress me up & make me !
U dying god !
Now we hold the "Ugly Head"!
The Mary where is at the bed!
They're cast the shadow at our perfect death !
In the sun & in the dirt !