A Cowboy\x27s Silver Lining

《A Cowboy's Silver Lining》是由Bevan Bell、Anthony Howald執導的動作、驚悚類電影,由Bevan Bell擔任編劇,由Brad Alsobrook、Bevan Bell主演。


  • 外文名:A Cowboy's Silver Lining
  • 類型:動作、驚悚
  • 製片地區:美國
  • 導演:Bevan Bell、Anthony Howald
  • 編劇:Bevan Bell
  • 製片人:C. Marie Connolly
  • 主演:Brad Alsobrook、Bevan Bell
  • 上映時間:2004年10月23日
  • 對白語言:英語 
  • imdb編碼:tt0429858


Tonight a contract killer is walking the streets of your neighborhood. Odds are if he's there, you've done something to bring him to your doorstep. Billy (Bevan B. Bell) is a hit man desperately trying to mend the broken pieces of his traumatic past while his job as a paid killer continues to tear apart his fragile mind. The memories of a "Man With the Painted Face" that killed the woman he loved and left him for dead are beginning to seem too familiar for comfort. Billy's contractor, Charlie (Ralph Hatley), sees the young man as too high of a risk for such a delicate business and decides that it's Billy's time to retire. Through an odd cast of characters and the confusion of a shattered reality, Billy struggles to make it out alive with his memories and a mysterious silver case. "In my line of business there is no silver lining... You're never the cowboy that rides off into the sunset."



Bullet Head BradBrad Alsobrook
BillyBevan Bell
MacBo Bell
Haas OpenheimerBrady Bell
Mystery MiraNicole Brett


