- 中文名:360時尚網路
- 外文名:360Fashion Network
- 創建者:Anina Ne
- 時間:2005年
由手機科技企業家、 國際知名模特t於2005年在巴黎創立,建立了時尚界第一個線上商務平台,採用新的商業模式和移動科技推動時尚產業的發展。360時尚網路已為各類移動手機作業系統開發出新聞應用程式,以移動終端這新的渠道推廣時尚品牌。針對塞班和iOS系統開發的遊戲Anina Dress Up,不僅有助年輕女性發現個人風格,也將時尚產業和青年一代聯繫起來。
在高端時尚方面,在中國區銷售的諾基亞N9已全部預裝360時尚網路的Look-Book套用。每周達到8萬多次的圖片瀏覽,還可連結至新浪微博對品牌發表評論。360時尚網路開發了增強現實感技術(即360 AR),《品味生活》、《光華雜誌》、Fashion Campaigns以及2012年3月中國國際時裝周期間舉辦的中國國際服裝服飾博覽會等都使用了這一技術。MobileMags是 360時尚網路的另一個時尚套用平台,這一快速移動網頁套用能建立簡單的公司介紹手冊、目錄或活動宣傳,成本低廉,在多種手機瀏覽器上都可使用。360時尚網路構建的CHIC YOUNG BLOOD展台為這次時尚周的上百個時尚品牌提供技術支持。360時尚網路在美國和北京有辦公室,在巴黎、倫敦、阿姆斯特丹和悉尼都有自己的代表處。
Dedicated to the celebration of the CHIC’s 20th anniversary, the Augmented Reality area was designed by 360Fashion with a historical timeline of the CHIC. Past photos and videos of the CHIC are well-hidden and viewable only through the 360AR apps available on iPhone and Android. For this anniversary theme, exclusive footage, interviews, and fashion photos that have never been publicized since 1993 will make their debut public appearance.
360時尚移動套用:在iOS、安卓、黑莓、塞班等所有移動套用商店,都有我們的360新聞套用。我們的記者報導來自世界各地的時尚界新聞,趕緊到移動套用商店搜尋360新聞、360時尚和Anina Dress Up等各種套用吧。
在iTunes, 谷歌, AppChina套用匯, 黑莓, 諾基亞OVI ,Windows Phone 7等主要套用商店,都可找到360時尚新聞應用程式。想要下載到您手機,請搜尋“360News”或“360Fashion”。
With China expected to hit one billion mobile connections by May of this year, domestic social media platforms like Sina Weibo boasting more than 250 million users, and retail sales in the fashion and luxury segments maintaining strong double-digit growth, brands are looking more than ever at how best to create buzz among China’s coveted — and digitally savvy — 20-35 age bracket. Recently, leveraging her passions for and knowledge of fashion, technology and the China market, model and founder of 360Fashion, Anina and 360Fashion launched a localized, Chinese-language “Social News” app to help fashion labels and emerging brands do just that.
360時尚網路是最早將AR技術引入《品味生活》等時尚雜誌和中國國際服裝服飾博覽會、CHI C YOUNG BLOOD 潮流品牌展等時尚盛事的中國公司之一。AR是用戶能享受到的最勁爆的互動套用,它通過手機識別印刷品和路牌等廣告行銷資料,用視頻、3D和照片等方式來激活網頁。快來CYB教育區來體驗一下,並下載套用到您的蘋果機或安卓手機.
It’s curated by Anina, the China-loving entrepreneur and former model from America, and covers two main ideas: showing off the work of some Beijing young designers (that’s where the clothes, NFC, and QR codes come in), and also giving visitors an AR-powered guide (pictured above) to the history of Chinese contemporary fashion since the first-ever western-style show here in 1994. For that, the iPad brings the photos on the wall to life with videos and more information about the rise of China’s style industry.
360Fashion & Camera de la Moda Exhibition Milan Fashion Week 2013
GMIC2012: How Mobile will Revolutionize the Fashion Industry