



  • 書名:2013考研英語歷年真題來源報刊閱讀100篇
  • ISBN:9787502241049
  • 頁數:374
  • 出版社原子能出版社
  • 出版時間:2008年
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開
上篇 考研英語歷年真題來源報刊閱讀實戰模擬篇
Unit 1
1. And man-made life
2. As penny-pinchers hover, business trips rebound
3. Born digital
4. Does light make you fat?
5. Don' t shoot the messenger
Unit 2
6. Are men the new minority?
7. Free parking comes at a price
8. Colleges see 16% increase in study of sign language
9. Basket cases
10. Worth a go
Unit 3
11. Shopping for a smartphone, with a focus on features
12. Textbooks' digital future
13. Do male students need affirmative action
14. Don' t shoot the messenger
15. Genes as mirrors of life experiences
Unit 4
16. From hoarding to hiring
17. Human communication:Gesture Politics
18. The marmite effect
19. Fashion victim
20. Greed)guts?
Unit 5
21. When a visa becomes a headache
22. A vitamin a day may do more harm than good
23. How to live with climate change
24. Microsofi's


