Western China International Equipment Manufacturing Exposition &China Eurasia International Industry Fair (hereinafter referred to as the WCIEMEand CEIIF) is an international convention for equipment manufacturing heldtwice a year (in Xi’an in March, and in Chengdu in July), approved by theMinistry of Science and Technology of the PRC, supported by the provincial(regional) governments in Hebei, Shanxi, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Shandong,Henan, Guangdong, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia,Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Xinjiang and other provinces, sponsored by the ChinaMachinery Industry Federation, China Council For the Promotion of InternationalTrade, the Eurasian Investment Forum, Shaanxi Provincial Leadership Group forRevitalization of Equipment Manufacturing Industry, Sichuan ProvincialLeadership Group for Major Technical Equipment, Xi’an Municipal People’sGovernment, Chengdu Municipal People’s Government, and co-organized by the ShaanxiProvincial Machinery Industry Association, Sichuan Provincial MachineryIndustry Association, Xi’an Municipal Office for Conferences, Chengdu MunicipalBureau for Expositions, Xi’an Municipal Industry and Information Committee,Chengdu Municipal Economy and Information Committee, Xi’an Branch of CCPIT,Chengdu Branch of CCPIT, Shaanxi Provincial Machinery Industry Federation, SanlianExhibitions Group.
China West International EquipmentManufacturing Exposition-China Eurasia International Industry Exposition, whichbegan in 2003, has been held for 17 sessions so far, wherein the 11sessions in Xi’an and the 6 sessions in Chengdu, has beenevaluated as “Best Brand Exhibition of Xi’an”, “Top Ten Brand Exhibition ofShaanxi”, “Top Ten Machinery Exhibition in China’s Mechanical and ElectricalIndustry”, “The Second of Industrial Equipment in China Industry BrandExhibition Gold Finger Award TOP3” and “2008 China’s Most Influential BrandExhibition” year after year. As an important bridge and link for foreign anddomestic equipment manufacturing industry to participate in developing thewestern region and promoting China’s equipment manufacturing industry, it washonored as “One of Three Exhibitions in China’s Industrial Equipment” (ShanghaiInternational Industry Exposition, China West International EquipmentManufacturing Exposition and Shenyang International Industry Exposition), “TheFirst Exhibition of Industry in Western China” and “The First Exhibition ofChina Equipment Manufacturing Industry” by means of its characteristics ofgrand scale, strong specialty, wide international participation and the like.
Till now, China West International Equipment ManufacturingExposition (CWIEME) is boasting the total exhibition area of 830000 m,the total exhibitor number of 12620 as well as the total visitor number of763400 on a cumulative basis. It has reached tens of billions of RMB in termsof the trading volume.
The 18 CWIEME (Europe-Asia International IndustrialFair) is scheduled to be held at QuJiang International Conference &Exhibition Center during March 13 – 16, 2014. It plans to offer an exhibitionarea of 80000 m and 4000 booths. The 19 CWIEME(Europe-Asia International Industrial Fair) is scheduled to be held at ChengduCentury City New International Convention & Exhibition Center during June26 -28, 2014. It plans to offer an exhibition area of 40000 m, with2000 booths in 4 exhibition halls.
工業過程控制及監控: 監控及數據採集系統、過程自動化控制系統、工廠自動化控制系統、混合控制系統、現場匯流排控制系統、安全及危險系統、工業乙太網及實時工業乙太網、IPC及嵌入式控制系統、過程控制用OLE、變頻器,電氣傳動及運動控制系統、無線電系統 。
工廠自動化設備:數控系統、伺服系統、機械手、機器人、 AGV小車、數顯設備。
自動化儀器儀表與感測器: 自動化儀器儀表、分析儀器、光學儀器、科學儀器、天平儀器、測量儀器與設備、實驗儀器與設備、感測器、計算機集成製造系統及相關技術、計算機技術在工業自動化中外部設備執行元件和機構、理化檢驗技術及設備、材料測試技術與試驗設備等。