



  • 外文名:2012 Year Book of Health in the People's Republic of China
  • 書名:2012中國衛生年鑑
  • 作者:陳竺
  • 出版日期:2013年12月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • 定價:799.00
  • 出版社:人民衛生出版社
  • 頁數:529頁
  • 開本:16




Part Ⅰ Significant Reports in Conference
Part Ⅱ Pol icy and Statute
Part Ⅲ Progress of Work



The second idea is the basic thinking on health development for the 12th Five-YearPlan. With scientific development governing various health work and the sustainabledevelopment of health service driven by the transformation of develop pattern, wewill adhere to the nonprofit nature of public medical and health care services. Also,we will adhere to the policy of prevention first, focusing on the countryside andattaching equal importance to TCM and western medicine. With the improvementof public health and urban-rural basic medical services as a highlight focus, wewill coordinate and push forward the constructions of public hospitals, securitysystem and drug supply system. And health talent cultivation and the constructionsof informatization and health law will be accelerated. Finally, we will carry outgovernment responsibilities, increase health investment, intensify supervision andmanagement and establish the system of basic medical and health care coveringurban-rural residents in an all-round way.
The third idea is the main task concerning health development for the 12th Five-Year Plan.
Strengthen the capacity construction of medical and health institutions andimprove the level of medical and health services. Intensify the regional healthplanning and the establishment planning of medical institutions to clarify thefunctions and responsibilities of all sorts of medical and health institutions. Optimizethe scale, structure and layout to establish a system of medical and health servicesfor the combination of prevention and control, paying equal attention to TCM andwestern medicine, functional complementation, information sharing and interactionsbetween the top and bottom. Strengthen the construction of public health servicesto improve facilities of professional public health agencies, such as those of diseaseprevention and control, mental health, maternal and child health, health supervision,health emergency, occupational disease prevention, blood collection and supplyand health education. Continue to strengthen the standardization construction ofrural emergency system, township hospitals and village clinics. Push forward thestandardization construction of hospitals at the county level to reach the level ofsecond grade on the whole. Integrate the medical and health resources of the countiesto push forward the comprehensive reform, transform the operation mechanism,perfect the performance pay and achieve the transformation of service functionand service pattern.




Part Ⅰ Significant Reports in Conference
Part Ⅱ Pol icy and Statute
Part Ⅲ Progress of Work


