201 Little Buddhist Reminders

201 Little Buddhist Reminders

《201 Little Buddhist Reminders》是2005年Ulysses Press出版的圖書,作者是Kipfer, Barbara Ann。


  • 書名:201 Little Buddhist Reminders
  • 作者:Kipfer, Barbara Ann
  • 出版社:Ulysses Press
  • 出版時間:2005年12月
  • ISBN:9781569755181
201 LITTLE BUDDHIST REMINDERS Everyone is busy and we all need little reminders to help us slow down, pay attention and enjoy life. Designed for just this purpose, gathas are short Buddhist poems to recite inwardly throughout the day. They transform familiar activities, such as commuting to work, having morning tea or coffee, washing dishes or lying down to go to sleep, into opportunities to realize the sacredness of the present moment. Filled with original gathas that match the everyday activities and concerns of the modern world, 201 Little Buddhist Reminders shows how to weave a meditative rhythm and mindfulness into daily life.


