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1 An Overview of China' s National Economic Performance in 2008
1.1 As the Economy Entered a Period of Adjustment, the Trend of Indus- trial Restructuring has Taken in Shape While the Overall Arrange- ment for Steady and Rapid Development has Remained Unchanged
1.2 Agricultural Economy Kept a Steady Growth with Increase in Rural Incomes
1.3 Value Added of Industrial Production Slowed down with a Drop of Profits Made by Enterprises, but the Internal Structure was Opti- mized and the Situation was Improved at the End Of the Year
1.4 Investment in Fixed Assets Kept a Rapid Growth witl Improved In- vestment Structure and Declined Growth Rate of Investment in the Real Estate Development
1.5 The Growth Rate of Imports and Exports Dropped, but the Relation- ship with Major Trade Partners were Developed Stably and the Policy to Stimulate Export Began to Take Effect
1.6 Despite the Growth Rate of Prices Showed the Pattern of Rise and Down, Due to Rapidly Increased Domestic Sales of Consumer Goods, Consumption Contributed More to the Economic Growth
1.7 The Turnover Shrunk on the Stock Market and Market Value of the Stocks Dramatically Dropped, but the Financial Market Kept a Steady Growth Generally
1.8 The Financial System Worked Smoothly and Foreign Exchange Re-serves Continued to Increase
1.9 The Overall Employment Situation Was Grim, but Urban and Rural Incomes Kept Growing
2 China' s Fiscal Revenue and Expenditures in 2008
2.1 China' s Fiscal Revenue in 2008
2.2 China' s Fiscal Expenditures in 2008
3 Performance of Treasury Bonds in 2008
3.1 Treasury Bonds Issued in 2008
3.2 Circulation of Treasury Bonds in 2008
4 Analysis of Major Policies on Fiscal Revenue in 2008
4.1 Policies on Value-added Tax Reform
4.2 Policies on Income Tax
4.3 Tax Policies on Imports and Exports
4.4 Tax Policies ON Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction
4.5 Fiscal Policies ON Promoting Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
4.6 Other Tax Policies
5 Analysis of Major Fiscal Expenditure Policies in 2008
5.1 Fiscal Expenditure Policies in Support of Agriculture,Rural Areas and Farmers
5.2 Fiscal Expenditure Policies Improving People's Lives
5.3 Proactive Fiscal Exlolenditure Policies to Expand Domestic Demands and Maintain Economic Growth
5.4 Rethinking the Proactive Fiscal Expenditure Policies
Attachment An Empirical Analysis of Domestic Demand Driven up by Government Investment in China,S Proactive FiscaI Policies Since 1998
I.Sizes and Options of Investment by the Chinese Government Since 1998
II.Positive Economic E蕾fects of Government Investment during China's Implementation of Proactive Fiscal Policies Since 1998
III.Pmblems in Govemment Investment Backed by Proactive Fiscal Policies Since 1998 and Their Negative Impacts on China's Economy


