- 書名:2005亞洲流體機械:第八屆亞洲國際流體機械會議
- 作者:薛勝雄
- ISBN:7810932640, 9787810932646
- 頁數:1014頁
- 出版社:合肥工業大學出版社
- 出版時間:第1版 (2005年9月1日)
- 開本:16
本書集中了中國、日本、韓國、印度等亞洲國家相關學者近兩年來在泵、閥門、壓縮機、風機、流體密封噴射技術和機等技術領域的最新科研與產品技術成果,從中反映出了亞洲國家流體機械的最新技術水平和專家隊伍。 本書可供高等院校、科研院所、機械製造的流體機械技術人員和套用人員使用或參考。
session 1:b-blower and fanb01 prediction of flow characteristics in multi-blade fanb02 identification and experimental determination of various losses in a radial tipped centrifugal blower/fanb03 the unbalanced rotor response analysis for fcc expanderb04 flow analysis of the vertical axis cross-flow wind turbineb05 experinental investigation on flow in gap between a rotationgb06 design of an axial flow fan with shape optimizationb07 devepment of high speed jet fan by cfdb08 slip factor assessment and experimental analysis for radial tipped centrifugal blowerb09 development of an air-separatop for application to a primaryb10 technical development and application of four machine trainb11 technical development and application of four machine trainb12 study on tip leakage vortex in a smallaxial faxb13 on a new approa ch to perfomance estiomation of straight-wing vertical axis wind turbinessession 2:c-compressorsession 3:h-hydro-turbinesession 4:j-jet technol