



  • 書名:2002中國農村科技發展報告
  • 作者:中華人民共和國科學技術部農村與社會發展司、中國農村技術開發中心
  • 出版社:中國農業出版社
  • 出版時間:2003年6月1日
  • 頁數:216 頁
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:7109083713




Review of China' s Rural Science and Technology in Past Century and Prospect 3
Review 3
Prospect 12
Summary of China's Rural Science and Technology Development in 2001 21
Arrangement of Science and Technology Work in Rural Areas during 10th Five-Year Plan Period 22
Adjust Development Orientation and Priority Adjustment and Establish Main Tasks 25
Carrying forward System Relorm of Agricultural Science and Technology Institutions 26
Implementing National Science and Technology Plans and Strengthening Agricultural Research and
Development 28
Major Progress in Agricultural Science and Technology and Research Achievements 30
Transformation and Application of Agricultural Science and Technology Research Results 32
Professional Education and Technical Training for Farmers 34
Poverty Alleviated through Science and Technology 35
International Exchanges and introdution of Agro-science and Technology 36
Development of Agricultural Sciencc and Technology in the World in 2001 37
Biotcchnology and Transgenic Animals, and Plants 37
Agro-information Technology 39
Organic Agriculture 40
Biological cantrol agent and Biofertilizer 41
Remote Sensing Technology and Precision Agriculture 42
Saving Water Agnculture 43
Prevention and Control of Major Plant Diseases and Inseet Pests 44
Facilities Agriculture 45
Food Processing Technology 46
China Rural Science and Technology Evolving in 2001 49
R&D of Rural Science and Technology 51
Crop Germ Plasm Resources. 51
Rice Genome 54
Super Rice 55
Transgenic Insect-resistant Cotton 58
Cattle and Sheep Chining Technology 59
Holstein Dairy Caule and MOET Breeding System 61
Saving Water Agricuhurc Demonstrative Projects 62
Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Major Plant Diseases and Insect Pest 65
Famous. Speciahy and Quality Freshwater Breeding 67
Factory Farming 69
Farm Produce Processing 71
Forestry Ecological Environment Project 73
Reform of Agricultural Science and Technology System 75
Necessity of Reform 75
Guiding Thought. Principles and Goals 77
Basic Thinking and Practice 79
Politic,. and Supporting Measures 81
Science and Technology Popularization and Education in Rural Areas and Small Town Construction 83
Rural Science and Technology Popularization 83
Farmers' Scientific and Technological Education and Training 88
Rural Small Cities and Towns construction 91
International Cooperation and Exchange of Agricultural Science and Technology 93
Multilateral Cooperation 93
Bilateral Cooperation 95
International Agricultural Scientific and Technological Activities 97
Introduction of Intelligence and Technology 99
Construction of China Rural information in 2001 101
Construction of Information Service Platforms 103
Construction of Information Resources in Rural Area 108
Building of Information Service System 109
International Competitiveness of Chinese Major Farm Produces and Support From Science and Technology 115
Analysis of Advantages in Competitiveness in Regard to Production Costs and Prices 117
Analysis of Competitiveness of Farm Produces in Regard to Quality and Safety 119
Brands, Credibility and Services of Agricultural Produces 120
Science and Technology needed liar Boosting International Competitiveness of Chinese Farm Produces and Policy Proposals 121
Assessment of Overall Capabilities of Chinese Agricultural Science and Technology 125
Institutions of Agricultural and Forestry Science Research in China 127
Composition of Personnel 128
Income and Expenditure 129
Assets and Debts 131
Research Subjects and R&D Activities 131
Technology Transfers and Writings.Patent Applications and Patents Granted Concerning Science and
Technology 133
Indicators for Assessment of Overall Capabilities of China' s Institutions of Agricultural and Forestry
Sciences Under Provinces. Autonomous Regions and Municipalities in Science and Technology 134
Results of Assessment of Overall Scientific and Technological Capabilities of Institutions of Agricultural
and Forestry. Sciences Under Provinces. Autonomous Regions and Municipalities 135
Agricultural and Forestry Universities and Colleges in China 137
Composition of Personnel 137
Revenue and Expenditure 139
International Scientific and Technological Exchanges 140
Achievements in Teaching and in Science and Technology 141
Indicators for Assessing Overall Capabilities of Chinese Agricultural and Forestry Universities and
Colleges in Teaching and Scientific Research 142
Results of Assessment of Overall Capabilities of China" s Agricultural and Forestry Universities and
Colleges in Teaching and Scientific Research 144
National Key Technologically Innovative Sparks Enterprises 145
Indicators for Assessing Overall Scientific and Technological Capabilities of National Key Technologi-
cally Innovative Sparks Enterprises 146
Results of Assessment of Overall Capabilities of National Key Technologically Innovative Sparks
Enterprises in Science and Technology 148
Hot Issues of Social Concern 151
Main State Agricultural Science and Technoloiogy Plans 167
Appendix: Statistioal Dsta 179


