



  • 書名:20世紀美國頂尖人才的人力資本形成
  • ISBN:9787560069623
  • 頁數:493頁
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 出版時間:2007年9月1日
  • 開本:32開


出版社: 外語教學與研究出版社; 第1版 (2007年9月1日)
叢書名: 北京外國語大學2006年博士文庫系列
平裝: 493頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 32
ISBN: 9787560069623
條形碼: 9787560069623
尺寸: 20 x 13.8 x 2.2 cm
重量: 522 g


強大的經濟實力體現了美國的人力資本優勢,而其核心因素是作為人力資本載體的人。在過去的一百年中,成千上萬的勞動者為美國的繁榮興旺付出了聰明才智,而他們中有一小部分人在各自的領域發揮了重要作用並產生巨大影響。本文認為,20世紀美國的超強地位取決於一大批頂尖人才的傑出貢獻,因此,這些“關鍵的少數”(me Vital Few)社會英才值得特別關注。


List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter 1 Introduction
Context of the Study: American Century &Human Capital Century
Research Rationale: The 80/20 Principle
Sample Selection: Who Are the Vital Few for the U.S.Economic Power?
Literature Review
Thesis Organization
Significance of the Study
Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework of Human Capital
Evolution of Human Capital Theory
The Notion of Human Capital in Classical Economics
Emergence of Modem Human Capital Theory
Advance of Human Capital Theory
Dimensions of Human Capital
Defining Human Capital
Categorizing Human Capital
Socioeconomic Importance of Human Capital
Human Capital and Economic Development
Human Capital and Knowledge Economy
Forms of Human Capital Acquisition
Family Influence
Formal Education
Job Training
Learning by Doing
Research and Development
Health Care
Institutional Matrix of Human Capital Production
Institutional Components of Human Capital Production
Environment of Human Capital Production
Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital
Chapter 3 The Making of American Elite Scientists
Historical Overview of American Science
Identifying American Elite Scientists
Defining Scientific and Technical Human Capital
Objectives and Data
Working of Social Origins
Influence of Family
Impact of Immigration
Religious Affiliation: The Case of Judaists
Process of Higher Learning
Selection and Recrnitment
Undergraduate Study
Graduate and Postdoctoral Training
Development and Attainment
Features of College Education
Master and Apprentice Ties
Mentorship That Makes a Difference
Progress in Scientific Career
Institutional Context
Evocative Environment
Research Collaboration
Chapter 4 The Making of American Business Giants
Evolution of American Business: An Overview
Defining Entrepreneurial Human Capital
American Business Giants: Data and Sample
Social Origins
Family Background
Nation of Origin
Religious Affiliation: Judaists as a Case Study
Formal Education
Secondary Education as a Virtue
Higher Education Makes a Difference
Business Education as an Advantage
Other Avenues of Learning
Job Training
Military Service
Business Career Path
Climbing the Corporate Ladder
Entrepreneurial Adventure of Silicon Valleyites
American Entrepreneurship as Perpetual Driving Force
Chapter 5 The Making of American Government Leaders
Historical Overview of the American Government
Identifying the U.S. Economic Policy Leaders
Purpose and Questions
Data and Method
Socioeconomic Background
Social Class Origin: Presidents as a Case Study
How Did Social Class Matter?
Higher Education
Institutions as Training Ground
Areas of Specialization
Women and Minorities: A Pattern of Imbalance
Career Lines to Political High Office
Military Experience
Prior Nongovernmental Occupations
Political Pathways
Chapter 6 Discussion and Analysis
Synthesizing the Findings
Family Influence
Higher Education
Military Service
Job Training
Self-improvement in Career
Social Networking
Linking the Individuals and the Systems
Higher Education System
Science and Technology System
Immigration System
Military System
Sociocultura! Value System
Chapter 7 Concluding Thoughts
Determinants of Human Capital Formation on Personal Level
Key Institutional Factors in American Top Talent Development
Considerations for Future Research
Appendix 1 List of American Elite Scientists as Sample
Appendix 2 List of American Business Giants by Industry
Appendix 3 List of American Political Leaders as Sample


