



  • 書名:15天地道美語練成術:關鍵字
  • 出版社:中國水利水電出版社
  • 頁數:341頁
  • 開本:32
  • 品牌:中國水利水電出版社
  • 作者:金利
  • 出版日期:2011年8月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787508488813 
Day 1,Day 2,Day 3,Day 4,Day 5,Day 6,Day 7,Day 8,Day 9,Day 10,Day 11,Day 12,Day 13,Day 14,Day 15,

Day 1

access after bad behave
across against ball behind
act ask banana believe
adorable available beat belt
afford back beg bet

Day 2

big bitter bomb bread
bind black bone break
bird blow boot breath
bitch blue bother bring
bite boat bound brother

Day 3

browse button can cheap
bum buy care check
bush cake case cheer
business call catch chew
butt calm ceiling chicken

Day 4

chip cold cow damage
choice come crack dare
clear cool crash dark
click count crush date
close cover cut day

Day 5

dead dirty drag dump
deal ditch drain ear
deserve do drive easy
devil doubt drop eat
die down & up due

Day 6

edge fail feet fix
end fall fight flat
ever far figure free
eye fat fish full
face feel fit funny

Day 7

get grind hang .heart
go ground hard heaven
god gu.ess hat heel
good gun have hell
green hand head here

Day 8

hit horse jump kind
hitch hot keep kiss
hog ice kick knock
hold idea kid know
hope job kill lame

Day 9

language life long make
leave lift look matter
leg light lose mean
lemon line lost mention
let load luck mess

Day 10

mile mouth neck off
million much nerve offer
mind music nose on
money name nothing out
more neat number over

Day 11

pack play pull rag
peach point push real
pick potato put red
pink problem queen ring
place prop quit roll

Day 12

rule scoot service shirt
rush scratch set shoes
sack see shadow shoot
same sense shape shot
say serious sharp show

Day 13

sick so special stick
side something spot story
sit song start street
sleep space stay stuff
snap spare step sure

Day 14

sweat tell think tongue
sweet that thumb tooth
take there time tough
talk thing tired track
treat trouble try turn

Day 15

up way white with
wait weather who word
walk weight wild work
wall well wise world
water wheel wish wrong

