- 書名:100年世界英語閱讀經典
- 作者:楊春麗、白連弟、張元婧
- ISBN:978712200446A
- 定價:119.7元
- 出版社:化學工業出版社
- 出版時間:2016年2月
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:16開

《100年54篇英語世界文學名著 品味豪華的文學盛宴》
Masterpiece 1 Pride and Prejudice《傲慢與偏見》
1.1 Mr. Darcy Meeting Miss Elizabeth for the First Time
1.2 Mr. Wickham Talking to Elizabeth 威克漢姆先生與伊莉莎白的談話
1.3 Elizabeth Misunderstood Darcy 伊莉莎白錯怪了達西
1.4 Darcy's Confession to Elizabeth 達西對伊莉莎白表白
Masterpiece 2 The Scarlet Letter《紅字》
2.1 Hester Prynne Released from Prison 海絲特·白蘭出獄
2.2 Hester Encountering Dimmesdale in the Wood
2.3 Death of the Clergyman 牧師之死
Masterpiece 3 Vanity Fair《名利場》
3.1 Miss Rebecca Sharp Set Joseph as Her Aim
3.2 Rebecca Becoming a Member of Rank and Fashion
3.3 Becky Telling Amelia about Her Misfortune
Masterpiece 4 The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow《睡谷傳說》
4.1 Brom Van Brunt and Ichabod Crane
4.2 In Van Tassel's House 凡·塔塞爾家中
4.3 Ichabod Meeting the Headless Horseman
Masterpiece 5 David Copperfield《大衛·科波菲爾》
5.1 The Birth of David Copperfield 大衛·科波菲爾的誕生
5.2 Falling in Love with Dora 愛上朵拉
5.3 Last Retrospect 後的回顧
Masterpiece 6 The Mill on the Floss《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》
6.1 Friendship Between Philip and Maggie 飛利浦與瑪吉的友情
6.2 Relationship Between Maggie and Stephen 瑪吉與史蒂芬的孽緣
6.3 Deep Love Between Maggie and Tom 兄妹情深
Masterpiece 7 The Portrait of a Lady《一個貴婦人的畫像》
7.1 Isabel Meeting with Madame Merle 伊莎貝爾結識梅爾夫人
7.2 Ralph Dissuading Isabel from Marrying Mr. Osmond
7.3 Isabel Deciding to Go Back to Gardencourt
Masterpiece 8 Anna Karenina《安娜·卡列尼娜》
8.1 Confusion in the Oblonskys' House 亂糟糟的奧布朗斯基家
8.2 Vronsky is Attracted by Madame Karenin 伏倫斯基為卡列寧夫人著迷
8.3 Anna Karenina Killing Herself on the Railway
Masterpiece 9 Don Quixote《堂吉訶德》
9.1 The Valiant Don Quixote Fighting Against the Windmills
9.2 The Heroic Battle Don Quixote Had with Certain Skins of Red Wine
9.3 Don Quixote's Adventure on a Boat 堂吉訶德的乘船奇遇
9.4 Adventure in the Wood 樹林奇遇
Masterpiece 10 Fathers and Children《父與子》
10.1 On the Way to Maryino 去馬里諾的路上
10.2 Arkady and Vassily Talking about Bazarov
10.3 Death of Bazarov 巴扎羅夫之死
Masterpiece 11 Notre-Dame de Paris《巴黎聖母院》
11.1 Quasimodo 卡西莫多
11.2 Quasimodo Saving Esmeralda 卡西莫多救出艾絲梅拉達
11.3 The Death of Esmeralda 艾絲梅拉達之死
Masterpiece 12 The Fall of the House of Usher《厄舍古屋的倒塌》
12.1 Roderick Usher 羅德里克·厄舍
12.2 Putting the Dead into the Vault 藏屍窖中
12.3 Collapsing of the House of Usher 古屋坍塌
Masterpiece 13 Hamlet《哈姆雷特》
13.1 Claudius Claiming Throne 克勞迪亞斯稱王
13.2 The Ghost of Hamlet's Father 哈姆雷特父親的鬼魂
13.3 Hamlet and Ophelia 哈姆雷特與奧菲莉婭
13.4 Hamlet's Revenge 哈姆雷特復仇
Masterpiece 14 The Tempest《暴風雨》
14.1 Story of Miranda 米蘭達的身世
14.2 Calling the Spirits 召喚精靈
14.3 Bad People Punished 惡有惡報
Masterpiece 15 The School for Scandal《造謠學校》
15.1 A Talk in Lady Sneerwell's House 在史妮薇夫人家的談話
15.2 Sir Oliver Defending Charles 奧利弗爵士為查爾斯辯護
15.3 Truth Coming Out 真相大白
Masterpiece 16 She Stoops to Conquer《屈身求愛》
16.1 Miss Hardcastle's First Meeting with Mr. Marlow
16.2 Miss Hardcastle Meeting Mr. Marlow in the Disguise of a Maid
16.3 All Shall Be Well 有情人終成眷屬
Masterpiece 17 Wilhelm Tell《威廉·退爾》
17.1 Tell Say Farewell to His Wife 退爾與妻子道別
17.2 Gessler's Revenge on Tell 蓋斯勒報復退爾
17.3 Tell Planning the Murder of Viceroy 退爾計畫謀殺總督
《100年62篇世界名家英語遊記 感受震撼人心的歷險》
Masterpiece 1 The Voyage of the Beagle《小獵犬號航海記》
1.1 A Most Beautiful Spectacle 海上一大奇觀
1.2 The Mystery of Octopus 大章魚的秘密
1.3 The Most Severe Earthquake 奇洛埃島和康塞普西翁大地震
1.4 The Experiences in a Brazilian Forest 巴西叢林裡的見聞
1.5 Days in Maldonado 在馬爾多納多的日子
1.6 One Perfect Scene 絕美的景觀
1.7 The Independence of the Gaucho Life 高喬人自由自在的生活
1.8 Ascending the Campana 攀登康帕納山
1.9 Hail of Tapalguen 塔巴爾康的冰雹
1.10 Tattoo 刺青
1.11 The Island of San Pedro 聖佩德羅島
1.12 First Arrival in Tierra del Fuego 第一次到達火地島
1.13 The Indians in the Colorado 科羅拉多的印第安人
1.14 The Pretty Quiet Town 寧靜美麗的小鎮
1.15 Fuegian 火地島人
1.16 Crafty Bird 狡猾的鳥
1.17 The Tortoise 加拉帕戈斯群島烏龜趣談
1.18 Indian Ruins 印第安房屋廢墟
1.19 The Tropical Forest in Rio de Janeiro 里約熱內盧雨林探險
1.20 Excursions at Bahia 在巴伊亞的一些經歷
1.21 Boil Potatoes 高山煮土豆趣聞
Masterpiece 2 Two Years Before the Mast《兩年水手生涯》
2.1 Get to Know the Discomforts of Sailors 初嘗水手生活的艱辛
2.2 Singing on the Ship 水手唱歌
2.3 An Accident on Our Brig 虛驚一場
2.4 I Was All Right Again 身體痊癒
2.5 A New Ship 新船的到來
2.6 A Few Bunches of Onions 幾捆洋蔥的神奇功效
2.7 Tom Harris 奇人哈里斯
2.8 Loss of a Man 一個人在海上的消失
2.9 The Life on an Island 小島上的風土人情
2.10 The First Liberty-Day on Shore 岸上短假的第一天
2.11 Passenger 乘客
2.12 The Pleasures and Pains 船上苦與樂
2.13 A New Shipmate 一位新夥伴
2.14 The Wedding 婚禮
2.15 A Singular Funeral 奇怪的葬禮
2.16 Acquaintances 夏威夷土著居民
2.17 The Joy in the Woods 樹林裡的樂趣
2.18 The Returning of Better Nature 重獲更美的本性
Masterpiece 3 Sir Francis Drake Revived《德雷克船長回憶錄》
3.1 Cross the Woods 穿越叢林
3.2 TET Captain 法國泰斯圖船長
3.3 The Islands 島嶼
3.4 Coming into the Town 進鎮
3.5 Captain Got Wounded 船長受傷
3.6 Homeward 返航
Masterpiece 4 Drake's Great Armada《德雷克船長的偉大艦隊》
4.1 Coming to the Island of Bayon 巴戎島上的見聞
4.2 Unusual Experiences in a Town 小鎮風情
4.3 Burn down the Town of Santiago 為報宿仇,火燒小鎮
4.4 The Decision to Return Homeland 艦隊返回英格蘭
Masterpiece 5 Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Voyage to Newfoundland《漢弗萊·吉爾伯特爵士紐芬蘭航行記》
5.1 Weighing Anchor 啟航
5.2 Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Tragedy 遭遇海難
5.3 Species on the Newfoundland 豐富的物種
Masterpiece 6 An Account of Egypt《埃及記》
6.1 A Whole Different Egyptian Customs 與眾不同的埃及習俗
6.2 Various Aspects of Egyptians' Life 埃及人的生活面面觀
6.3 Cheops and Pyramid 基奧普斯與金字塔的故事
6.4 Fashions of Mourning and of Burial 埃及人哀悼和埋葬死者的方式
6.5 Some Sacred Animals in Egypt 古埃及的一些聖物
6.6 Solemn Assemblies of the Egyptians 埃及人的盛大集會
6.7 The King and the Thief 國王與盜賊
6.8 Labyrinth and the Lake of Moiris 迷宮和莫伊利斯湖
6.9 A Story about Helen 希臘海倫傳說
6.10 Story of Heracles 赫拉克勒斯的故事