《10 Years GMF Compilation》是由Vandit公司於2006年4月28日發行的一張專輯。
已經許久未有新作品問市的德國天王級 Trance DJ Paul Van Dyk 將要為喜愛他的朋友們帶來一張特別的作品了,這張來自 PVD 自家廠牌 Vandit 的第57張發行《10 Years GMF Compilation》乃是 PVD 為了向在柏林電音舞曲圈中占有重要領導地位的傳奇舞場 GMF 成立滿十周年所策劃發行的致敬混音選輯,由 PVD 親自上陣操刀連同 GMF 的王牌Resident DJ Divinity 帶來兩段精彩的 House / Trance Set,併網羅了包括 Pete Heller、Robbie Rivera、4Strings、Spiller以及Daft Punk等歐陸頂尖舞曲藝人 / 團體的大熱單曲作品。不論您是否曾經到過 GMF,這張由 Paul Van Dyk主理的混音大碟不僅是他為 GMF 帶來的十周年賀禮,也將是所有 Trance 樂迷一枚今夏不可錯失的派對極品!
⒈I’ve Got The Music In Me [ Mighty Yo Rmx ] [ Boogie Pimps ]
⒉Big Love [ Pete Heller ]
⒊Psycho X Girlfriend [ Eddi Amador ]
⒋Sunshine Hotel [ Original Mix ] [ Jamie Lewis & Nick Morris ]
⒌Are You (watching Me Watching You) [ Syke n’Sugarstarr & Alexaandra Prince ]
⒍Everytime [ Idealtief ]
⒎In My Life [ SE:SEA ft. Erin ]
⒏Superman [ Holy Land Mix ] [ Holy Ghost ]
⒐Stand Up (If You Ready) [ Harlem Hustler Central Park Mix ] [ Electroluv ]
⒑Freemind [ DJ T ]
⒒The Abwehr Disco [ Black Strobe ]
⒓Keep It Wrong [ Autotune ]
⒔Partypeople [ Idealtief ]
⒕Right About Now Fuzzy [ Hair Vocal Mix ] [ Mousse T with Emma Lanford ]
⒖Bang [ Bini & Martini Excl. Mix ] [ Robbie Rivera ]
⒗Better Things Part 1 [ Afropeans ]
⒘Heaven Is In The Back Seat Of My Cadillac [ Malente Remix ] [ Louie Austen ]
⒈Passion [ Gat Decor ]
⒉Electric Funk [ Lys & Gigi Remix ] [ Filo & Peri vs. Serge Devant ]
⒊Need To feel Loved [Seb Fontaine and Jay P’s Type Remix ] [ Reflekt ft. Deline Bass ]
⒋The Rock [ Vocal Mix ] [ Moquai Pres. Punx ]
⒌Keep On Moving [ Sharam ]
⒍Welcome To The Dance [ Des Mitchel ]
⒎Greece 2000 Extended Mix ] [ Three Drives ]
⒏Into The Night [ Original Mix ] [ 4Strings ]
⒐Outside Floor [ Kyau vs. Albert ]
⒑Nothing But You [ Vandit Club Mix ] [ Paul van Dyk ft. Hemstock & Jennings ]
⒒Everytime Nalin & Kane Mix ] [ Lustral ]
⒓As The Rush Comes [ Gabriel & Dresden Sweeping Strings Mix ] [ Motorcycle ]