《10 X 10 Sudoku》是Sterling Pub Co Inc出版的圖書,作者是Longo, Frank
- ISBN:9781402740190
- 作者:Longo, Frank
- 出版社:Sterling Pub Co Inc
- 出版時間:2006年8月
- 頁數:272
- 定價:$ 8.98
- 裝幀:Pap
《10 X 10 Sudoku》是Sterling Pub Co Inc出版的圖書,作者是Longo, Frank
《10 x 10 Sudoku》是一本圖書 內容簡介 Sudoku fans always keep an eagle eye out for fresh formats featuring their favourite puzzles. Here's one sure to draw them in: 210 Sudoku that add a little spice to the mix by changing the standard 9 x 9 puzzles to 10x10. That means solvers get...
《Hermit Sudoku - 10 X 10 - 250 Puzzles - Level Gold: All You Need Is for Relaxation》是一本圖書。內容簡介 250 excellent puzzles at the level of gold. All riddles have only 1 solution. 2 puzzles per page. Enough space for your thought...
《Anti - Knight Sudoku - 10 X 10 - 250 Puzzles - Level - Silver: For You Sudoku Now!》是一本圖書。內容簡介 250 excellent puzzles at the level of silver. All riddles have only 1 solution. 2 puzzles per page. Enough space for your t...
《Anti - Knight Sudoku - 10 X 10 - 250 Puzzles - Level Gold: For Connoisseurs of Sudoku》是一本圖書。內容簡介 250 excellent puzzles at the level of gold. All riddles have only 1 solution. 2 puzzles per page. Enough space for your ...
《Anti - Knight Sudoku - 10 X 10 - 250 Puzzles - Level Bronze: The Book Will Help You Relax》是一本圖書。內容簡介 250 excellent puzzles at the level of bronze. All riddles have only 1 solution. 2 puzzles per page. Enough ...
萬題數獨 Sudoku 10'000 Plus 萬題數獨 Sudoku 10'000 Plus是一款休閒益智類遊戲,支持Android 1.6。萬題數獨Sudoku 10000 Plus是一款包含大量謎題的數獨遊戲,具有八個難度分級,可自定義的高亮顯示。15000個題將帶給數獨愛好者超長時間的樂趣和挑戰。
《Sudoku for Dummies》是2005年John Wiley、 Sons Inc出版的圖書,作者是James, Edmund。 內容簡介 "Sudoku For Dummies" Volume 3 will offer 240 original and addictive puzzles including new circular and 16 x 16 puzzles to add new dimensions to game play and keep the most avid Sudoku fan entertaine...
Standard版本是最大的,它在安裝後會占用260MB 空間,其中包含了ClamWin Portable 防毒軟體、Mozilla Firefox瀏覽器、Gaim Portable聊天軟體(我們用它可以登錄Gmail、MSN、QQ)、OpenOffice Portable 辦公套裝、Sudoku Portable數獨遊戲、和郵件客戶端等,適合當前大容量閃盤的需要。 Win PE WinPE是什麼 WinPE...
1.9 Object Technology 10 1.10 Typical C Program Development Environment 12 1.11 Test-Driving a C Application in Windows, Linux and Mac OS X 14 1.12 Operating Systems 21 1.13 The Internet and World Wide Web 23 1.14 Some Key Software Development Terminology 24 1.15 Ke...