填寫完畢,點擊create my account即可,申請24小時後可以繼續添加域名,綁定域名沒有限制。 去信箱收信,點擊激活連結激活。
難道要在嘗試一遍嗎?不 用,有人發現以下方法,99%通過審核!
點擊頁面上方的GET HELP, 再點擊Submit new tricket,點擊“please select the domain”下面的選擇框,選擇自己的域名。在下面的第一個框填上自己的題目:I need your help to active my account (簡單易懂就可以了)然後在第二個框裡寫上一些東西讓客服知道你的目的就行,原則:幾句簡單的話,不要用線上翻譯工具,讚美下他們的服務。
I can’t use my account .It is not active . Can you help me? I have heard that your service is good and your host is great,but now I can’t use it. Please give me a chance to use it. Thank you very much!
顯示setup in progress
意為正在安裝你的系統,如果24小時還沒成功的話直接點擊登錄cpanel,會提示提信箱手動激活,這樣點擊有email的按鈕,就會收到一封激活信,點擊地址就可以激活了,如果顯示登錄cpanel還在顯示“正在安裝,24小時內完成“的話就 get help一下,內容和上面的一樣就可以,懂點兒英文的隨便改改,就這樣,等他的回覆,他會告訴你請用信箱手動申請,然後點擊cpanel就可以傳送email激活地址了!
Your computer IP address(***.***.***.***)is located in China,but when you first registered for account here,your computer IP address was located in another country.
This is potential security problem,so login to ***@***.com profile was locked.You can unlock by clicking on a special link,which will be sent to your email.This will also update your registeration country so this situation will not happen again.Click on Email Update Link to continue。
這時需要點擊 Email Update Link 之後會提示:
Possible security problem detected!
Account country update link was sent to 你的信箱 email, you will receive it in 5 minutes.
If this email is incorrect – so we are sorry, there is nothing we can help you. You are responsible for providing correct information. You can register for a new account anyway.
掛代理申請完之後別關代理,你可以在右邊的customer details欄中點擊自己的信箱連結進入Edit your Detail欄目,將Enable login security measures (IP country and multiple login checking) 前面的選項去掉.以後即使你關了代理用中國Ip登錄也不會受IP限制了。
這種情況很好辦,修改DNS為ns01.000webhost.c om.ns02.000webhost. c om。
3、記錄下000webhost的DNS伺服器:“ns01.000webhost.c om, ns02.000webhost.c om”;找到你空間的IP,也可以把面板右面的IP位址+1得到真是的IP位址。例如你的XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX,真實的IP位址就是XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX+1。我們也可以通過查詢申請二級域名IP的方法獲得。